Chapter Two

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Kevin drove up to the diner and pulled into the parking lot. He got out and finished off his cigarette.

He looked around the area and watched all the cars and trucks and other vehicles travel to and fro Greenbow.

He threw his cigarette on the ground and demolished it's final fading embers.

He walked up to the door and walked on in.

He glanced around and saw a booth with his sister and walked up to it.

"Sorry I'm late, traffic is backed up like hell." Kevin apologized to her.

"This is the 5th time this year." She said. She looked at him with her agitated blue eyes that seemed to stare through to his soul.

"Sorry." Kevin apologized again. Kevin stopped looking at her and was looking at the table. His hands cupped together. "Look Beck, I have some great news."

"You're moving?! Wow, this really is good news!" Beck said joking sarcastically. Kevin rolled his eyes smiling. 

"No, not in this reality. I am studying parapsychology. I am going to be studying the works of demonology, paranormal activity, all that jazz. Just like me and you wanted to do when we were kids." Kevin said smiling.

"Yeah. Good for you. Just...I don't think the news I have is good." Beck said. Her voice was already low and quiet to begin with but now it got even quieter.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked.

"Dad died yesterday. He had a heart attack." Beck said. Tears were starting to form in her eyes.

"Oh, Beck I am so sorry. I know you loved him." Kevin said. He reached his hands across the table and held her hands.

"If you want to come to the funeral, it is going to take place in the cemetary this Friday at 6 PM." Beck told Kevin. Kevin nodded.

"I'll be there. I didn't know him well but he was my stepfather. And I will pay my respects." Kevin said. She smiled at him.

"Thanks Kevin, it really means alot." Beck said.

The waitress came over and asked if they were ready to order. Beck and Kevin both got the cheeseburger, fries, and a large Coke.

They sat there, ate their food, and reminisced the old days. The times where life was simple and wasn't full of negativity like this new cold world had to offer.

They finished their food and payed the amount and said their goodbyes outside.

"Well, I'll see you Friday." Kevin said. Beck smiled.

"Stay safe." Beck said. Kevin chuckled.

"Oh I will. I will." Kevin said. He got in his car and drove off. He went back to his apartment. He turned on the TV and dozed off on the couch.

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