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"Listen, Mrs. Kim, your little plan to get Namjoon to come back to me, didn't work. Michelle called me in tears that Jin left her in Canada. So, now I don't know what's going on at the tour," I said. I wanted Namjoon back, but I don't want all of this messy ass drama.

"Yuna, you fucked up." she pointed at me. "You couldn't keep this man away from Sarai. You had one job, and that was to get him back. Now, according to the bus driver, she's pregnant," Mrs. Kim pouted.

"Well, who knows who the father is. She's sleeping with Hoseok too," I finally decided to tell her. I wasn't going to protect Sarai, because she took Hoseok away from me.

"I know. I even had JYP try to plant Felix on her to distract Sarai. When they were about to release the scandal, my son and his stupid friends paid to cover it up. He's in love with this girl, and she's not going anywhere," Mrs. Kim shook her head.

"Listen, I want out of this little deal. Your grandbaby will be here soon, and Namjoon is coming home in a few days. I don't have time for drama," I said.

"No, there is no out." Mrs. Kim laughed. "You don't have time for drama? Yuna, you think I didn't know about your little arrangement with Hoseok. I swear you all think I don't know anything, but I always find out stuff," She explained.

"I think it's time for you to leave. I am going to tell Namjoon that you arranged all of this," I said.

"Yuna," Mrs. Kim stood up. "You are a smart girl, and I would hate for something bad to happen to you because you are trying to act like you are a good person. You're a selfish bitch, just like me. You aren't what's best for my son, but I will settle for you compared to Sarai. Take care," She grabbed her purse and walked out of my house.

I should have never listened to her. This lady is crazy, and she drew me in because she knew I needed the money. I love Namjoon, but all of this isn't worth it to try to get back at Sarai.

I sent Kara a text message

Me: Hey, sis...

Kara: Don't hey sis me! Whatever you are doing, they know about it. That's all I am going to say.

Me: What are you talking about?

Kara: Don't play dumb now... They know that Michelle girl is a plant. Tae told me all about it...

Me: What are you doing talking to Tae?

Kara: They were in Canada a few weeks ago, and I had to get his dick one more time. But, seriously, this is all going to blow up in your face. If I were you, I would go ahead and let  that man know his momma is a crazy bitch who used you as a puppet

Me: Whatever... Jade will be here in a few days. I am not dealing with this.

Kara: They know, girl...



I sat in Namjoon's lap while we were on the private jet. Things were going good for us since we talked a few weeks ago, and now we are returning home. I still needed to speak with Felix to hear his side of the story, but I will do that when Namjoon goes to the hospital.

We were working on a 500 piece puzzle together. It was the little moments like this that I cherish with this man.

"I have noticed that you've been staying away from Yoongi," Namjoon said.

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