GSA (Week 2)

201 5 0

(I'll use the first letters of peoples name) Zoom version:

We saw Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower II bc someone was in Plymouth

Next year we want to go to Salam when there is no Covid

G had TWO pride flags and it made my heart sing

M was a ghost

B is great, I have a scene in the school play with him


B: We found a way to may the bracelets!

M: Yay!

A: or... gaycelets

G: Braces? I already had braces and didn't like it

B: No Bracelets

G: M- puter- n bueno

M: Oh God! I'm having flashbacks from the ducklings last year

Me: ... what?

B: We can't scare off the new people!

Me: cOnFuSiOn

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