Chapter 11

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An update?! OMM. Finally!

Clay woke up in a very dark place. He couldn't move anything. He had a faint memory of getting hit in the back of the head while he was out hunting... Clay realized that he must've gotten kidnapped. He struggled to get his talons free. A voice from the dark answered: "There's no use in trying to escape. You'll never get free. And those pathetic friends of yours? Once they come looking for you, me and my allies will take care of them." He laughed manically, and then started again. "And as for you, I'm putting you in a safe place, maybe where you can't hurt me, and where you can't be found." He stepped out into the moonlight filtering through the holes in the cave, keeping his face hidden. This dragon was undoubtedly SeaWing, and that oily voice... Clay was sure he heard it somewhere. But before Clay had enough time to think, he was hit in the back of the head again.
Glory paced the treehouse, trying to make sense of the prophecy that Moon has given her, while Deathbringer and Jambu were writing it down, and half arguing with each other.

"You misspelt traitor."

"I did not! Was it you who put snakes in my bed last night?"

"No! Are you crazy, RainWing? What makes you think that I would do that?"

"Well, the only dragon I know who is able to do that is you!"

"There are tons of other dragons who would do that!"

"Oh, really?!"

"Yeah, if they know you, most definitely!"

Glory snorted, and turned around to stop the two dragons from trying to kill each other. Well, Deathbringer from killing Jambu, who wouldn't stand a chance against the Ex-Assassin.

But by then the two had already calmed down and resumed writing, with Deathbringer at the scroll.

After a few minutes of silence, Deathbringer finally wiped the ink off his claws and rolled up the scroll, putting it in the black leather pouch around his neck.

Just then, Sequence, one of Deathbringer and Jambu's most trusted NightWing members of the council, walked in. "The rest of the council is waiting for you three to come to the meeting." She said, letting them know it was time to go.

Over time, Lavender was accepted as one of Deathbringer and Jambu's associates, and naturally attended council meetings with them. Glory nodded towards Esteria and Starfinder. "Go to the Wingery. I'll see you there afterwards."

After a lot of groaning and complaining, mostly from Esteria, they flew away to the dragonet Wingery. Glory nodded, and walked away with Deathbringer and Jambu trailing behind.
Glory couldn't take it anymore. Listening to these dragons argue was literally as entertaining as watching the Kingdom of Sea freeze over. That was when she completely lost it and yelled, "JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!!!" She blinked, startled by her own actions. It was suddenly very quiet. "I mean- We should sleep on this. Take notes, observe others, and then we can hold another meeting next week. No dragon in their right mind could make such a huge decision by themselves, especially without sleep. I suggest we just go home for tonight." The council was arguing about weather they should keep Deathbringer and Jambu as rulers, or find another Queen, and if so, who should it be?

Sequence was the first to respond. "I think Lavender is right. We all are stressing each other out, and we all need sleep. Of course. We'll all take notes, and we should all consider carefully what is best for the rainforest."

The rest of the dragons nodded and mumbled. Once everyone was almost gone, Grandeur got up from her seat, saying, "Thank the moons you stopped that mindless arguing. Now I can finally sleep through that he rest of the speech in peace." The five of them laughed, and they walked out the council chamber, tired and relieved that it was over.

Heyyyy... so.. uh just to let you know I had to squeeze this in in a whole day... so... be grateful? Hehe... I'm pretty sure a snail can beat me when it comes to updates. Well, I hope you've enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you next time!


The Queen Is Not Dead (cringe but ppl like it so it's here)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora