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Before I start this chapter, I have a few questions to ask!

1. Based on my writing skills, how often I update, when I post, my slang ect...

How old do you think I am? It has to be exact age. Person who gets it right will get a shoutout in the discussion chapter! (More below) (Just the year guys, no month, day, whatever.)

2. What do you think my gender is? No prize for this one. (Not Non-Binary or trans.)

That's all! Enjoy the *sobs* chapter!

Deathbringer couldn't believe it. The love of his life was alive, with his family, and boy, they were one happy lot. They've even had a lot of additions since then.

Azure, Glory and Deathbringer's son.

The twins, Lightshine and Songcaller.

The brave one, Nightflower.

And the youngest. Firefly.

Azure was trapped in a family of girls, but he didn't really mind, especially when he had the privilege of dragonet-sitting Firefly. She was the light of their lives. Literally. (No pun intended)

Lightshine and Songcaller were inseparable from hatching. They did everything together. Among their favorite activities were to practice using throwing stars on the trees, but what they really specialized in was pranking. Not to mention their childish father accompanying them, turning everything into a competition.

Azure and Starfinder shared a special bond. Both were quiet and liked to observe, and both could read minds, and often spent their days in the library, courtesy of the NightWings.

Esteria, being the oldest, kept insisting that she was the leader, with Glory thinking that she spends too much time around Tsunami.

Nightflower was the pretty one, but she didn't let it get to her head. She used strategical thinking, and understood psychology. She often reminded Glory of herself, and they would have girls nights out.

Firefly was the youngest, but she kept insisting that she wasn't a baby, and she could take care of herself, but Deathbringer didn't like it when she went off without someone to protect her.

Deathbringer kept thinking how lucky he was to have such a beautiful, loving family. But lately, Glory has been out alone, insisting that she isn't followed, and whatever she was doing was top secret. Is Glory... Cheating? Deathbringer brushed the thought out of his head.

He then heard wingbeats by the door. A voice called out, "Honey, I'm home! Get the kids! I want to show you something!"

Deathbringer quickly woke up the siblings, and they followed with tired eyes, groaning about how it was the middle of the night.

"Where have you been?" Asked Deathbringer, eyes full of concern.

Glory smiled, breathless. "That what I've been dying to show for the past week! I just put the finishing touches on, and lost track of time. Come on, it's this way!"

All of them suddenly intrigued, they took off after her.

When they got there, they were amazed at what they saw.

It was a beautiful spiral lattice made of maple, with the hibiscus flower in full bloom on it, and they were... glowing?

Glory smiled. "Turtle agreed to help me with it, for a special occasion?"

Then Deathbringer knew exactly what she was talking about.

"He enchanted the flowers to keep blooming, and glow at night." Glory said, explaining.

They smiled as they watchedthe fireflies dance around the Flower Lattice.



"I've got a present for you as well."

Deathbringer fumbled around as he reached for something in his pouch. It was a small box, with a hinge lock.

Glory unlocked the box and inside was a scroll. It read;

Dear Glory,
You are music to my ears,
A tranquil melody,

Your laughter is crystal clear,
But gentle as the breeze,

Your smile is so sweet and pure,
Something that will anchor me,

You are so entrancing,
Although I know,
You can't resist my charm,

Like a blossom in full bloom,
You never cease to amaze,

And for generations onward,
All will remember your story,

Because you really, truly are;
The definition of (Queen) Glory.


-Esteria- -Starfinder- -Azure-
-LightShine- -Songcaller-
-Nightflower- -Firefly-

Glory had to smile. It was so heartfelt and pure. "Oh Deathbringer. You wrote this?"

Deathbringer looked aside. "I mean- yeah... I'm sorry if you don't like, I tried-"

"What are you talking about? It's wonderful. And the best part is that you made it for me. It's a gift from the heart. Even if it's not fancy, it has so much meaning. You couldn't have given me a better present." Glory assured him.

Deathbringer grinned. "I knew you would give in to my charm eventually. Admit it, I'm irresistible."

He was met by a tail to his smug face.

"Owwwww. What was that for?"

Glory rolled her eyes. "For being annoying and smug. You deserve it, hotshot. What a flirt." She said, grumbling the last part.

Deathbringer sighed. "Can't blame a guy for tryin'."

Glory smiled. "The gift is still amazing." She said, leaving a peck on his cheek.

Deathbringer smiled back, then leaning on each other.

"Happy Anniversary, Honey."

"Happy Anniversary, Deathy."


"The hibiscus flower blooms for one day only, but that day is filled with wonder and beauty. Remember the hibiscus, and live each day as if it were your last."

Chinese Proverb

<End of edit>

And that's it!

*sobs uncontrollably*

I just want to thank all who have supported me from the very beginning, your support means the world to me, and this book wouldn't be possible without you.


Lets give them all a round of applause!

Also, there will be one more chapter discussing what will happen to this books future! Thank you!

Completion Date
February 1, 2021

The Queen Is Not Dead (cringe but ppl like it so it's here)Where stories live. Discover now