Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Deathbringer was lost, falling, but he flapped his wings, saving himself. Then he saw Glory, falling as well, picking up speed as she fell, her wings shredded and bleeding. "Glory! You're alive!" He called out joyously. But then he realized he had to catch her. He dove down, and no matter how fast he fell, he could not catch up to her, and Glory was about to hit the ground, but there was a colorless dragon with no features wearing a dark hood, already down there, and Deathbringer breathed a sigh of relief, but then realized, that the dragon was holding a knife to the air, and it stabbed Glory in the heart. When he landed, the dragon said in an emotionless voice, "Your fault Deathbringer, it's all your fault, you should have been there for her, but you were selfish, and only saved yourself. That's all you are Deathbringer. A failed assassin. You were nothing to her."

Deathbringer wanted him to shut up, to go away where he couldn't see or hear him. He whirled on him to tear him apart, but the ground opened up, swallowing Deathbringer, and when he awoke there was black, all black, surrounding him, with only a small ray of light coming from above, and Glory lying a dragon's length away. He held her face in his talons, whispering to her, begging her to stay alive, but soon he grew desparate, calling out, "Help! Help me somebody! Please, Help! Help!" Just then Glory mumbled, "It's all your fault Deathbringer. Deathbringer? Do you hear me? Deathbr-"

"Deathbringer! Wake up!" He felt talons wrap around his neck as he was yanked off his rock ledge, and he quickly opened his eyes.

In front of him was a purple RainWing, one that he had never seen before, which was really saying something for Deathbringer.

Surprised, he quickly switched to assassin mode, "What are you doing here? What is your name? How do you know my name? How did you get in here? What is going on?"

She looked at him with a mixed expression, of disproval and amusement. "First of all Cocouts-for-brains, I'm the one asking the questions, although I already know most of the answers, and second of all, I'm only answering your questions because you wont give me answers unless I give you your answers first."

She glances over at the cuts and brusies on Deathbringer's wing, and shakes her head with disapointment. "Tsk, tsk, I was hoping you would've fallen off and woken up without me having to yank you, but you're a little more sound of a sleeper than I thought. Come on, lets get you bandaged up.

The purple dragon flies to the healers hut, dragging a bemused NightWing along with her. Shoving him in a corner, she steps over to the cupboard with the bandages and ointments.

Deathbringer shook his head, "This still doesn't answer my questions. It actually increased them. How do you know your way around? How do you know where everything is?"

She just rolled her eyes, "You know, I think you might have a cut on your snout, I'm going to have to bandage that up." The Mysterious Purple Dragon took a length of bandage, and wrapped it around Deathbringer's snout so he couldn't speak.

"Mmf! Wuh rr oo ooin? Gut iss ah oh ee!" He he said, voice muffled. (Translation: Hey! What are you doing! Get this off of me!)

The purple dragon sighs, "Well, you want answers; I better give them before you bite me. My name is Lavender. I'm not from around here. I guess you can say I've been stuffed under a mountain for pretty much most of my life. I know your name because I forced it out of the pink dragon by the door who is, by the way, a horrible guard, which I tied to a tree with vines around his snout to shut him up. He said his name is Jambu, brother to the deceased queen. I got in through the window. Now for my questions."

By then all of the gossipy RainWings had camoflouged outside the window, trying to listen to them. Lavender ignored them, pulled down the window blinds and then decided to ask the questions,

"So, Th-our queen died, um, because someone killed while she was with her friends. Okay, so what were you doing in her Treehouse? Are you related to her in any way?" Deathbringer blinked several times. Lavender then remembered to take off the bandage. "Oops. Sorry, here." She sliced it open, and Deathbringer was able to talk again.

Flustered, he managed to get out a string of words that sounded like, "I-uh, no, I'm not related to her but- W-well, was... I-uh was, um, I did lo-like her- I, uh, well, I might uh, have had my hopes up, that.. uh, she.. liked me back?"

Lavender couldn't help it. She shot Deathbringer's Smirk (tm) right back at him. "OooOooH, Well OKAYYYY. SOmEone has a little crUsh. Er- had..." she said, dropping the know-it-all face once she realized her mistake.

"It's okay."

"How much did you like her?"

"I would have done anything for her."



"You're interesting."

They flew around the Rainforest together, talking occasionally, but mostly finding fruit. At one point, Lavender had started a food fight.

Then Lavender noticed how dark it was getting outside, and that the RainWings were gone. "I-uh- should get going, It's getting really dark, and my house isn't exactly in the Rainforest Kingdom." Lavender explained.

Before Deathbringer could ask why she didn't live in the Rainforest, Lavender took off, eager to go home, snatching Mangoes from the trees along the way.

Deathbringer decided to follow her.


Hey guys! You won't believe my eyes, but I just checked, and in the 1 DAY that this story has been published, it's on the top ten for the tag 'WINGS'. Crazy Right!? (Yes I wrote 5 chapters in one day. My Mom is yelling at me to get away from the computer. We all know I can't do that, can I? ;) Also, OVER 34 READS. IN ONE DAY! Seriously! You guys are insane! Well, I just wanted to thank you for stopping by and reading! See ya next chapter!


The Queen Is Not Dead (cringe but ppl like it so it's here)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora