Chapter 3 (Edited)

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Haha. If you didn't want to kill me before, you'll definitely want to kill me now. :)

Glory paced the edge of the cave. No, she wasn't dead. After she found out that someone was out to kill her, she hid, letting only Sunny, Qibli, Moon, Kinkajou and Turtle in on her plan. Turtle enchanted a rock to look like her with a knife in her heart. She then ran away into the forest bidding Sunny and Kinkajou goodbye. She didn't even need to tell them to fake-cry. They were sad that she was leaving just to keep the dragons she love, safe.

Her heart stung. Deathbringer wasn't around, and she was kind of used to that slightly-creepy feeling of being followed. Except, when he did it, it wasn't creepy. Glory curled up and fell asleep.

When she awoke, there were two small colorful eggs right beside her. Eggs!? These can't possibly be mine can they? No, no, it's impossible... Or is it? No, these could just be some passer-by dragon that couldn't take care of her eggs, and gave them to me. But I am positive these are RainWing eggs. Any sensible RainWing would just come here, see their supposedly dead Queen, and I would be in my TreeHouse, when I woke up. No. There is only one reasonable explaination. These eggs are mine.

The realization hit the poor hiding Queen so hard, that she would have fallen over if she was standing upright. My eggs... They are my eggs... wait a minute. I had no idea I was going to lay.. What happened? How did I forget? Did someone put a spell on...

Glory's head was spinning. She didn't stand up until she was sure she wouldn't barf down the side of the mountain when she stood up.

Glory decided to move the eggs to the farthest corner of the cave, so she wouldn't accidently-she didn't want to think about it. Glory has no idea what to do about the eggs though. She wasn't prepared at all!

Glory didn't want to just leave eggs on the cold stone floor, either so she went out to find/make something that would shelter the eggs.

Wait. I don't want anyone recognizing me. I better camouflage myself. She let shades of pastel purple spread across her scales, and added a few ridges along her spine, snout, and around her eyes to make her look different. She would call herself Lavender. Lavender the RainWing.

Glory sighed, and flew out to the pine forest below her Mountain Cave Home. She still didn't feel comfortable leaving the eggs alone, since the Rainforest is so close. Landing near a pond, and shoving away any thoughts on why she didn't know she had eggs.. but anyways, she thought she saw a willow tree a ways back.

Glory took a drink from the pond, and walked near the mountain. She was right. About 50 dragon lengths from the mountain base, was a lone willow tree in the midst of all those pines towering above it. Strange, but useful. She thought about what she could do with the branches. Just then, a bird caught her eye, flying towards it's nest. Or, what Glory thought was a nest. It was a teardrop shaped nest hanging from a branch, woven tightly out of little twigs and pieces of bark, with a nice, neat little hole to access the inside.

Glory actually thought it was quite smart and very practical. She set work on those willow branches right away. In the end, it was more or less what she was going for. She just wished she went a little less overboard on the flowers. Oh well, I got what needed, it's going to take even longer to get the flowers out anyway. I can't risk getting seen any longer.

So Glory headed home, put the eggs in their little nest and fell asleep with a small smile on her face. But right before she fell asleep, Another, more questionable, strange thought entered her mind.

Who's the father?

YO. HEY. So I edited this chapter a little bit, after seeing/hearing complaints about stuff like, 'How did she not know she had eggs,' or 'How could she not know who the father was?' So I'm going through this story and weaving around the plot holes that my younger self made, and filling in gaps that I guess I forgot to tell you guys about, starting with this chapter, which is where I think the first plot hole occurs. Let me know in the comments if there are any more, and I'll be sure to fix them! You guys can actually help me make this better, I just need people to catch my mistakes! Till next time, remember to be kind, keep dreaming, and stay Unique! ^^

~CastChance Uniqueox

The Queen Is Not Dead (cringe but ppl like it so it's here)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ