Don't you think it's a bit cold for ice cream?

Beginne am Anfang

Bakugo came back up with another name that was also turned down by Midnight: Lord Explosion Murder.


 "Now that everyone's decided on their hero names, we'll go back to talking about internships. They will last for a week" Aizawa woke up explaining further about internships, after receiving their list most began talking about their goals.

By lunch time most people talked about their internships, while (Y/n) kept mindless looking at her list.

How do they expect me to choose? I never wanted to be a hero in the first place... am I taking someone's spot by being here?

"Are you okay?" (Y/n) looked up, her eyes meeting Heterochromatic eyes. "You seem... Stressed" she blinked as she looked at the peppermint boy.

Simply ignoring his question, she said "You are gonna choose your father's agency, aren't you?" She looked down at her list.

"What?" Venom dripping from his voice.

"It's quite a shame being forced to do something, why can't some parents just get that." Does this girl perhaps have a similar past to him?

"What do you know?" Todoroki narrowed his eyes.

"Enough. I mean I have touched your father" a moment of silence passed between the both of them, then she realized she had fucked up.

"I-I-I mean, I patted his chest once and that's all!! I didn't tou- okay, I'll shut up." She placed her head on her desk, regret eating her up.

he sighed grabbing a chair and sitting beside her "I don't care, I hate that old man" he hesitantly looked at the girl, seeing the girl in more stressed than she was before made him guilty.

Why the hell can't he simply make someone feel better? "Does... your father also want you to choose a specific agency?"

she quickly brought her head up as she faced him, she thought for moment before saying "...not really, he never really talks to me about anything, its mostly my mother who puts order in the house." She looked at his eyes, as he arkwardly stared back.

"Wanna get some ice cream?" (Y/n) suddenly blurted out, the boy was a bit surprised to get invited, she smiled, leaning her head on her arm. "I wanna get to know you more"

"Don't you know everything about me?" his neutral face came back as her stared forward.

"Not, really. I still don't know what your favorite food is." She smiled as the boy turned to her, "besides, it's just ice cream, it's not like forcing you to come with me"

He kept looking at her, as the girl got more arkward. "So is it a yes or a no?"

"I'll go." (Y/n) raised a brow as he slightly smiled to himself. "I want to get to know you more"

Todoroki was deeply interested on he girl, could she predict movements? what did she do to get so many offers? Is perhaps her past similar to mine? What made her so special? Questions began to pile up on the boys head, just who the hell was she.

"It's a date!" besides what's more fun than stealing money from an old man you hate?


"You seem like a fan of strawberry" They were both sat on the ice creams shops table. Todoroki looked up from his strawberry ice cream, to see the girl's mouth dirty with ice cream

"You look like you've never ate ice cream before" he gave her a napkin, as she wipe her mouth. She smiled.

"Does a popcicle count?" he shook his head a slight smile.

"No." (Y/n) jokingly pouted.

The sun was setting down, and a few people could be seen together. Shoto found it somehow relaxing to be with someone. Not talking about work, grades, or family problems.

Just hanging out, forgeting for a mere second that none of them had problems.

"So what's your favorite food?" the boy looked away from the view and back at the girl.

"it's cold soba" he analised the girl, the cold wind brushing her hair, as the sun shined on her face.

"You don't really look Japanese" he suddenly said surprising the girl a bit.

"That's because I'm an android sent by Cyberlife." He looked confused, tilting his head as the girl giggled.

Even though the date was short, the memories he made today stayed with him for the rest of the night.


Arriving home, Todoroki immediately took off his shoes, and headed off to his room. However, he was soon stopped by his father.

"Why are you home so late?" Todoroki coldly looked at his father as he simply said.

"Training" As he was about to walk past his father, a big hand stopped him.

"We need to talk" and certainly they both needed to talk.



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load with too great a burden or cargo.
"both boats were overloaded and low in the water"


an excessive load or amount.
"an overload of stress"

  "an overload of information"

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