Owen just stayed quiet as he knew what they did was wrong and that they were just as bad as everyone else in this war town. He looked at (Y/N), "I know what you came here to do. You want revenge don't you?" (Y/N) crossed his arms, "You're right on the money there." This made Mel scared as Jessie looked at him. Owen looked at the woman on the table, "Well you may have to wait on that." "And why is that?" "Because this woman is severely injured and without Mel's expertise she could die." "Then why isn't she doing anything?" "She needs supplies. Abby and this woman's sister is going to get them?" "Abby is going to be here?" "Yes." (Y/N) seemed to think for a bit until he looked at Mel's stomach. He let out a sigh, "I just wanna go home now. I'm tired and I miss Ellie. I am going to let you two go, just make sure that the baby healthy." 

(Y/N) began to walk away for Georgia to quickly go to his side, "Really, you're just going to let them go? After we have come all this way." "I have already killed one of them, and many other people that had nothing to do with this. I haven't laid in a bed in forever. And... and I we've already lost somebody. I don't want to lose anybody else." Meanwhile Jessie looked at Owen and Mel who clasped her hands together, "Please Jessie. Stay." Jessie shook her head as she turned her back to them as she headed towards (Y/N) and Georgia. She came out of the front doors to see the other two waiting for them. (Y/N) walked up to Jessie to put his hand on her shoulder and bring her into a hug to which she happily hugged back. (Y/N) held on to her tight, "I missed you so much." "I was so worried about you. I didn't know if you would make it in this world." The two hugged for a bit longer for them to separate.

Georgia pulled out her melee weapon, "Sorry to ruin this moment, but we should get going. We still have to find Joel and Alex." Jessie looked at (Y/N), "Friends of yours?" (Y/N) nodded, "Yes, definitely Joel." The three began walking near the water as they were going to try and search the docks. Jessie looked even happier, "Susan is alive!" "You bet. And she is going to be very happy to see you." "And vice versa. So, have you managed to find someone special in this fucked up world?" "Yes actually. Her name is Ellie." After a while they walked deeper into the city blue signs with a white H to began to appear with every street light they passed. 

Meanwhile At The Hospital

Ellie was in the underground parking lot as the air was filled with spores, and red lights flashed making the only source of light. She was on her back as the wind was taken out of her. She looked up to see the hole in the higher floor that she jumped through with that woman. Two soldiers looked down at her with her gun aimed for them to then get pushed down and begin choking due to the spores. Joel and Susan looked down at Ellie, "Ellie, are you ok?!" Ellie got up, "Yeah I'm fine!" Joel nodded, "Ok, meet us at that repair shop that we passed!" "Ok!" Susan and Joel then left for Ellie to see the woman who was with Abby running towards the exit. She coughed to go through a door as three soldiers wearing masks came out to stop Ellie. 

Ellie though heard clickers, so she threw a brick near the soldiers for the clickers to come out and begin attacking the soldiers. During this chaos Ellie snuck by and followed the woman to go through a few abandoned corridors to finally catch up to her as her victim was trying to open the door, but was to weak to open it. Ellie grabbed a chair and blocked the door that she came in through, "Hello Nora." Nora grabbed a pipe as Ellie got closer, so she swung it at Ellie. Ellie grabbed the weapon, to take it, and break Nora's wrist. Ellie looked down at her, "Where is Abby?" "Why would I tell you? I'm already dead." "Because I could make it quick, or I can make it much worse." Nora was silent for a while until she looked up at Ellie, "I'm not giving away my friend." Ellie looked down at her to bring pipe up and swig sending blood onto the wall.

When she was done she went through the door and headed out the back as the hospital was in chaos with infected now loose on the floors. She got walked through the alley ways to reach the repair shop. She heard footsteps to her left so she turned her head in that direction, "Joel-" Her eyes then widened as (Y/N) was standing a few feet in front of her as Georgia and Jessie were next to him, but she didn't know who they were. (Y/N) took a few steps forward as he rubbed the back of his neck. He was nervous as him and Ellie were on tense terms before, "Ellie, I am sorry for wh-" He was then silenced by Ellie's lips as she wrapped her arms around (Y/N) holding him as if though that if she let go he would disappear. (Y/N) kissed back as he hugged her tight. They held the kiss for a while to separate for air. Ellie brought her arms down to him properly as she rested her head on (Y/N)'s chest. Her voice was shaky as tears began to form in her eyes, "I've missed you. So damn much." (Y/N) rubbed her hair, "I did to Ellie. I'm sorry for just not coming home." "I don't care. As long as you're here now." 

The two kept hugging each other for Jessie to be smiling seeing the two until she heard a familiar voice, "J-Jessie?" She turned around to see Susan, "Susan." Susan was quick to embrace Jessie for Joel and Georgia to look at the two groups. Joel looked at Georgia, "Alex will be glad to see you again." "I'm glad to know that he's safe."

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