Random Gifts & Silliness

Start from the beginning

"That Korean!?"

Anna looked at her toner which Hobi was pointing at.

"Yes. Korean skincare is the best. I'm almost out. I might need some help buying skincare products?"

"Don't worry. I will take care of you."

Anna was sure Hoseok had no idea how his words made her feel.

Once Yoongi joined them the three of them spent the next twenty minutes lying side by side on her bed. Anna was in the middle and she was glad the mask was concealing her blushing cheeks as she tried not to think about the fact that she was so close to two of her soulmates.

Even the next day Anna's heart was beating a little faster just from thinking about the night before. She hugged the face masks. Are these from Hobi or Yoongi? She decided to thank whoever it was in the morning.


Anna saw Hoseok first in the morning, but the masks weren't from him. She should have guessed. Hobi would have just given the masks directly to her, it made more sense that Yoongi would have just left them for her to find.

However, when Anna asked if Yoongi had left already, she was told that he had only gotten home a few hours ago and was sleeping. He must have sneaked out because later on, she learnt that he had gone. I think I better message him in case I never catch him to say thank you.

Thank you was easy enough to type in hangul, but she had no idea how to write 'for the face masks'. After using Papago, she went in search of one of her soulmates to double-check her translation before she sent the message. She was surprised to find Namjoon sitting at the kitchen table. He looked busy, surrounded by paperwork. Anna hesitated instead of asking him. One because he was obviously in the middle of something and two because she knew he was used a lot by the others to translate things. Why don't I just put Thank you? Yoongi will know for what. Before Anna could leave Namjoon in peace, he had noticed her standing there.

"Were you looking for me Anna?"

"Umm, I was hoping someone could check this makes sense? But if you're busy it doesn't matter."

"I'm never too busy for you. What did you want to say?"

"Thank you for the face masks. I translated it, but you know translation apps aren't always quite right."

She showed Namjoon what she had translated it to.

"It must seem silly asking for help with such a simple sentence."

"Not at all. Learning a language is hard. Korean and English are very different as well. Have you learnt Hangul?"

"Yes. My reading isn't too bad, just slow, but I don't understand what I'm saying. I've been focusing on increasing my vocabulary, but I just can't seem to remember what anything means."

"Why did you decide to learn Korean?"

"So, I could sing your songs?"

Namjoon raised an eyebrow at Anna but kept a gentle smile on his face.

"No seriously. At first, my goal was to be able to pronounce the Korean in your songs. It's very important to me to be able to sing them properly. After that the goal was to be able to understand what you say. So, for lives and stuff I wouldn't need to wait for subtitles. I'll admit that I never thought I would actually need to be able to speak Korean."

"Living in Korea should help a lot with that and we are all here to help you. You know that, right?"

Anna smiled sheepishly at Namjoon. She should know that she could always rely on her soulmates for help. However, she had always had a bit of a problem with asking for help. She wasn't certain why, but she guessed that she didn't like to rely on other people.

Looking down Anna remembered that Namjoon had been busy before she had joined him.

"Oh, sorry! I'm distracting you from your work. Thank you for your help."

"Anytime, Anna."

Namjoon smiled as Anna walked away. He was happy he got to have a little chat with her. For one, it was nice to have a conversation in English that wasn't work-related. And two, he enjoyed the one-on-one time with her. I'll have to plan something for my next day off. A date with Anna?


After lunch, Jin asked Anna if she wanted to watch a Disney movie with him. Of course, Anna was more than happy to.

"The others not watch Disney with me."

Anna gasped dramatically, covering her mouth with her hand as if she was shocked.

"What's wrong with them?"

"Yes! You understand!"

The two of them burst out laughing.

"But seriously, anytime you want to watch Disney just ask and I will be there. "

"Okay, which Disney movie you know best?"

Anna thought about it while Jin flicked through the selection.

"Umm... Lion King!"

"It Korean. I put English subtitles."

"It's okay. I know it so well I will understand without them."

"You sure?"

"Yes. If Namjoon can learn English watching friends, maybe I can learn Korean watching Disney."

Jin looked at Anna to see if she was serious and laughed. Anna was pulling a face, scrunching up her nose, as she knew that was not going to happen.

"I wish it was that easy!"

"I help you learn."

"Thank you. But for now, press play!"

While Jin started the movie, Anna grabbed RJ from his spot on the other couch and sat back with it in her arms. She noticed Jin was watching her.

"RJ wants to watch too."

He didn't say anything, but Jin smiled to himself. She's so cute. A girl after my own heart, treating RJ right. He was surprised but delighted that Anna sang along to the songs in English. Especially parts such as Timon and Pumba in Can You Feel The Love Tonight because she acted them out just like characters. It was silly and not something he would have expected her to do, but it showed she felt comfortable with him and that made him happy.

Anna wasn't kidding when she said she knew the Lion King well. It was one of her favourite Disney movies and although she may not remember it word for word, she knew the gist of what they were saying. She wasn't sure if she learnt any Korean from watching it though.

That night Anna found RJ on her bed. Did I bring him with me? She went into the living room to check, but the other RJ was still on its spot on the sofa. Another gift? Is it normal to give each other gifts randomly? What do you give to the boys who have everything?

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