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The dreary weather matched the depressing and lonely mood of District 4. It was Reaping Day, which meant that in just under an hour two families would be losing their son or daughter to the Capital. No fishermen were out today, the market was closed and deserted, and the village looked isolated for everyone was gathered in the town square. All of the children were in their designated age groups, while the parents stood helplessly by staring uneasily at the two glass orbs that had their children's names in it.

After a few more restless minutes, the mayor and District 4's escort, Ezra Tate stepped on the stage. The mayor stood at the podium and quickly went over the history of the Hunger Games. Once he finished, Ezra walked to the podium in her ridiculous frilly blue dress, bright green wig and powder blue eyeshadow. A few of the little kids under 12 giggled about how she resembled a sea monster.

"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor," Ezra's voice rang out across the square, her accent quite prominent. She began her usual speech before flitting over to the girl's glass orb. "Ladies first!" She squealed, as if she wasn't picking an innocent child to fight to death, but rather drawing to win a contest of some sort. She dug around dramatically before settling on one near the bottom.

After walking over to the microphone she unfolded it and cleared her throat before reading the name out loud "Aria Arlen!"

Instantly, the other 16 year old girls backed away, revealing a girl with long dark brown almost black hair, and dull green eyes. She swallowed thickly before beginning to take shaky steps to the podium, struggling to maintain her breathing but to no prevail. After climbing the steps, Ezra went to the other glass orb and pulled out a name, reading it as Seth Calder, who stepped out from the other 15 year old boys, with a facial expression similar to Aria's.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let the 71st Hunger Games begin! May the odds be ever in your favor."

The Games had officially begun.

A/N A new fan fiction! How exciting. (: But seriously, I already have this entire fan fiction planned, so I'll be updating more often than my other stories, and I'm really excited for it! Don't worry Hot Chelle Rae will come in soon! Oh and if you're reading my Bushes fanfic, sorry I haven't updated, WRITER'S BLOCK D: and I've been planning this. Haha, comment and vote, please? Thanks! xx

I Won't Go Down Easily - A Hunger Games / Hot Chelle Rae Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now