Chapter 11

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The sun was just rising when Aria and Ryan were awoken by a loud thump. They both sat up immediately, mirroring each other's horrified expressions. Aria wiped her palms on her pants, trying to steady her heartbeat. "Could that be a tribute?" She mumbled, biting at the skin on her thumb. Ryan held his finger to his mouth in response, listening intently. It was quiet. Carefully, Ryan switched onto his hands and knees and crawled to the opening. "What are you doing?" Aria hissed. "You're going to get yourself killed!" Ryan ignored her and moved the vines to the side, letting bright light in. And then he was gone.

Aria backed herself into the corner of their space, and searched through her backpack for Ryan's knife; ready to defend herself if needed. She slowed her breath, listening for any signs of a struggle, a fight, or really anything. She heard Ryan let out a small laugh, shattering her petrified silence. He walked through the vines, carrying a large basket and sat down next to Aria. "Looks like we have ourselves some sponsors," He said gleefully. She also smiled and grabbed some cheese and bread from the basket.

"More like you have some sponsors."

He frowned in response to her, and also grabbed some food. "What makes you say that?"

"Well it's obvious isn't it? You're attractive, no doubt enticing some women to sponsor you. Not to mention the fact that you scored a freaking nine in your private session."

"Oh, so you think I'm attractive?" Ryan questioned, smirking. Aria rolled her eyes at him, as her face turned a bright red.

"It's not like it's a secret." She mumbled blushing furiously, as Ryan laughed.

"Aria, don't be modest. It's both of us together that earned these sponsors. The cheese is from your district, anyway. But who knows, I may have enticed some young woman into sending us this bread," He responded with a wink. Aria managed to let out a small laugh at him, forgetting about their current circumstances for just a few seconds. At that moment, she was incredibly grateful to have him as an ally -- not only because he saved her life, but because he makes this traumatizing experience, a little less horrendous. "We should probably get a move on, just incase the Careers start moving this way."
Aria nodded in agreement, carefully wrapping the bread and cheese in napkins and putting it in the green backpack. "What's the plan?" She asks softly.

Ryan bit his lip, eyes darting to the vines. "You up to climbing back up the wall again?"

Aria shook out her arms, noting the stiffness in her muscles. Subconsciously, she also ran her hand across the cut on her neck, shuddering at the memory. "Yes, climbing back up there sounds good to me." Ryan smiled and grabbed the backpack from her, throwing it on his back, trying to make it a little easier for her. She was grateful for that.

Climbing it the second time proved to be a lot easier. After the two of them checked the paths closest to them for tributes, they began to climb. Perhaps it was the loss of a few pounds due to the backpack, or maybe it was newfound strength in her muscles; regardless, it took a little more than half the time it took her yesterday to climb that wall. And she couldn't help but smile, proud of herself. As she was catching her breath, her and Ryan glanced around the arena, trying to figure out where they should go. They were unsure as to where the Careers were, due to the high walls, which was worrying.

"I'm thinking we should keep moving forward," Aria proposed. "Maybe we'll stumble across some food other than bread and cheese."

Ryan wordlessly agreed, now was not the time to draw attention to themselves. As they slowly and quietly moved along the wall, they continued scanning the ground for anything different than just stone. However, that search was to no prevail. So, they decided to move closer to the center of the maze, figuring it would make sense for the Gamemakers to put the food closest to the danger. They sure like the excitement of young children killing each other. Ignorant pigs, Aria thought to herself, but didn't voice her opinion out loud -- she knew better than that.

As they drew closer to the center, the ground did begin to change. The stone was becoming less common, with larger spaces between each one with grass emitting through. It was a kind of environment animals could survive in. Sure enough, they soon heard birds chirping happily, accompanying the muffled rhythmic sound of what sounded like a river. It was odd how different each section was. It appeared the first section they were in was just pure stone, sure to confound a tribute who isn't too keen to move around. The second, they were unsure about, only knowing a lake existed. But this section -- yeah, they preferred this one. Ryan smiled at Aria, happy to see they made some progress. However, that smile quickly faltered when they heard loud voices coming their way. Oh shit.

Aria crouched low to the wall, as Ryan followed suit. It was two tributes, both from District Six, the transportation district. Ryan glanced worriedly at Aria, noticing the '6' patch on their shoulders. They always had the reputation of being exceptionally strong; after all, they start working on automobiles for the Capitol at a young age. Aria exchanged the same look with him, if they saw them...they were dead.

Aria remembered their names, because they were similar: Cobalt and Clay. And they were determined. District Six also has been without a victor for awhile, and they want to change that. They heard their loud voices drawing closer. Cautiously, Aria and Ryan peered over the edge of the wall, to see them. They were carrying large spears -- not a reassuring sight, and not to mention the fact that they were built with muscle. As they turned that final corner, Aria and Ryan flattened themselves out the best they could, praying to God they'd remain hidden.

Unfortunately, their prayers were not answered. Their loud footsteps stopped suddenly, right below them. Aria's breath hitched as she heard Cobalt ask Clay if he, too saw tributes on top of the wall. He agreed. Aria glanced helplessly at Ryan, who looked just as helpless. He gave her a sad smile, appearing to accept his fate. He took the backpack off his back and grabbed the knife out of it, ready to fight for as long as he possibly could. They looked down as the two tributes took a hold of two vines and began their venture up the wall. Ryan reached for Aria's hand, in hopes of comforting her. Cobalt and Clay were almost to the halfway point of the wall, and they could now hear their laughter and jokes of what was to come. For what felt like the hundredth time in the past few days, Aria felt sick.

They were probably ten feet away from reaching them when Aria noticed the vine Clay was making his way up was beginning to tear apart. And that gave her an idea. "Ryan, give me your knife." She said quietly, with an edge to her voice that had Ryan complying immediately. She began to cut at his vine in a sawing motion, speeding up the process.There were two threads left when Aria did one last cut and it snapped. Clay's large brown eyes widened in surprise as he tumbled to his death on the stone, with a sickening crack. And the cannon went off, signaling his death. Cobalt looked up in surprise, and Aria could tell she was contemplating whether to go back down for safety, or risk it by trying to beat Aria. However, she never had to make a decision, for her vine was much thinner and Aria snapped it within seconds. Another cannon went off.

Aria glanced down at the two bodies lying on the cold, hard ground, with a pool of blood surrounding their heads. This time, she actually did get sick and was re-tasting the cheese and bread from earlier. Gently, Ryan stroked her back, in a reassuring way as she violently dry heaved. He knew that post-kill feeling all too well, unfortunately. And before he could help it, the tears were overflowing from his eyes, and landing onto Aria.

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A/N: First off, I'd like to apologize if this seems rushed to you..because to me that's how it feels.. but then again, I feel like that a lot. Haha, and secondly, I would like to thank all of the new readers I've gotten after posting my most recent chapters, and for their votes and comments. You guys are the reason I've worked hard to make sure I update this story. So thank you once again! Please continue to let me know what you think of the story, and give me your keeps me writing. Also! Let me know what you think is going to happen, or who you think will win..because I'm curious! Thanks xx

I Won't Go Down Easily - A Hunger Games / Hot Chelle Rae Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now