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*Mrs. Cotton

After I picked up Mari we headed to Grant's warehouse. Before we got out I had to break things down to her.

"Let me break things down for you..." I said turning in my seat to look at her
"First never talk back to Grant unless you are asked a questions or if he ask you..." I said making her look at me

"I'm grown. I can't say what I want, how I want and when I want..." she said still looking at me

"Just listen.. Secondly he doesn't like that fact that Indigo is gay so he can say reckless things that'll make you upset but just keep quiet..." I said making her roll her eyes

"Straight bullshit..." I heard her say under her breath

I didn't say nun cuz this was straight bullshit. As we sat in the car I decided to get some things off my chest...

"Look I know you are not very fond of me but I would like to apologize about everything I put you through when it comes to Indigo. I've been doing all this for Indigo's safety. Grant has been threatening me for years about hurting Indigo. I never believed him until he had Indigo hit in that accident. He had framed me and made it look like I had her hit. He told me either I take the blame or he would've killed me and Indigo..." I said
"I've allowed him to control me. I do whatever he say cuz if I don't I'm afraid of the consequences..." I said
"I'm really really want to apologize from the bottom of my heart cuz I know the love you and Indigo has for each other. I wish I can do something to help but he knows everything and most of all I'm afraid..." I said finally looking at her

Her face had softened up. She had a look of sorrow on her face.

" I didn't know.." she said softly

"No one knows. They think I don't like the fact that Indigo is gay, but I could care less about that..." I said

"This whole time I thought you hated me. I thought you didn't like me for Indigo..." she said looking at me

" I mean at first I wasn't too fond of you, I thought cuz you was young you were going to use Indigo. But I seen how in love she was with you and how happy you made her and I started to rethink it. But Grant came along and I had to do what I had to protect my daughter..." I said

We sat in the car and talked for like 30 minutes. We talked about stuff that happened between us in the past. We apologize for things we did out of anger. We finally talked and got a better understanding of each other. After talking to her I can honestly she's a good girl,  she adores and loves Indigo to death.

" I'm glad we got to have this talk and get a better understanding.." I said looking at her

"Me too..." she said with a small smile

After that we finally got out the car and headed into the warehouse.

"Remember what I told you.." I said looking at her behind me

She nodded then I knocked on the door. One of Grant's assistants opened the door and let us in. I directed Amari to Grant's office. I didn't knocked on the door I just went in knowing it would irritate him.

"What I told you about knocking??" He asked looking up at me

"Yeah wateva..." I said sitting down on the couch and Amari followed
"Grant this Amari Indigo's girlfriend. Amari this is Grant Indigo's dad..." I said introducing them

He spoke but I just looked at him.

"Okay..." he said looking down at some papers

"So, I assume you already know why you're here..." he said looking at me

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