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Amari was so happy. A smile has been plastered on her face since we got here. I'm just happy I'm the one that causing her to be this happy. I genuinely love this woman, I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for me remembering her. She has made me a better person whether she knows it or not. I made a huge improvement in my life when I got her back. Being with her makes me happy and makes me feel loved. This is the woman I want to marry and have a family with. She's all I ever wanted and needed. She completes me.

"Indigo..." I heard Mari say knocking me out my train of thoughts

"Huh??" I asked looking at her

"This is sooo amazing, and I wanna say Thanks you..." she said looking at me with a smile

"You're welcome, I'm glad you like it..." I said grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it

Then waiters I hired started coming out with the food. I got a variety of different foods cuz Mari is picky.

"I'm glad I got on leggings..." she said making both of us laugh

We started eating and having conversation.

"Indigo this was too nice and thoughtful of you..." Mari said smiling and looking around

"Thanks baby, I'm just glad you like it..." I said looking at her

"Of course I like it..." she said smiling at me

I love that she's so grateful. She appreciate the smallest things. She always say it isn't about the gift or whatever, it's the thought that counts. Which she taught me cuz I use to think if you didn't give me an expensive gift you didn't care for me which isn't the case. Mari have actually taught me a lot and I'm grateful for her.

"What you thinking about??" She asked biting into her food

"You and how you've impacted my life..." I said chewing

"How so??" She asked looking at me

"Of course you showed me real love and how to give real love in return. You taught me how to appreciate the small things cuz it the thought that counts. And you taught me to care the correct way. Actually you've taught me a lot, if you haven't notice..." I said eating but looking at her

"So I've impacted your life in a good way??"She asked

"Hell yeah, I'm glad I took the time out to Remember You. Cuz I'm so grateful to have you..." I said grabbing her hand which made her smile

"Indigo stop..." she said softly while blushing

"I'm serious..." I said rubbing her hand

"I know..." she said

She be acting hard as hell but can't handle eye contact nor compliments for me. I make her super nervous and have her blushing without even talking sometimes. I'm lowkey the same way tho. I'm a hard bitch but I'm such a softie when it comes to her. I got a hell of a soft spot for her. I've always had a soft spot for her even when I forgot her. That fight we got into had me in my feelings for days. I was so mad at myself for letting my mom get into my head to make me act that way towards Mari. After I apologized I still felt a way. Til this day I'm still upset at myself for that even tho I'm forgave.

"Indigo I love you so much..." she said looking at me for a split second

"I love you too Little One..." I said before kissing her hand

"Come here..." I told her

She got up from her seat and stood in front of me. I pulled her down on my lap so she was facing me. I was just staring, admiring and touching her. I'm so in love with this woman it crazy. I don't think I can ever get enough of her honestly.

"Papa you're making me nervous..." she said laying her head in my neck

"It's okay..." I said squeezing her thighs and ass

She lifted up and looked at me. I pulled her closer and kissed her. The kiss started to get a lil outta hand. She pulled back.

"Let's eat then we'll finish when we get back to the cabin..." she said

I nodded.

She got off me, sat back in her seat then we started back eating. While we was eating the people I hired were back at the cabin decorating the room and the bathroom. I wanted this night to be special for Mari. She deserves it all.
We continued eating and talking about the most random shit. Which we found interesting. After we were done eating we sat there for like 20 more minutes just talking and letting our food digest. After that we headed back to the cabin. She had no idea that I got the room and bathroom decorated. We went inside, and headed upstairs to the room I was in earlier.

"Before we go inside cover your eyes..." I said turning around looking at her

"Why??" She asked looking at me

"Just do it..." I said playfully rolling my eyes

She rolled her eyes then covered her eyes. I opened the door and put my hands over hers so I knew she couldn't see.

"Aye, don't fuck up my lashes..." she said as we walked into the room

"Guhh nobody gone mess up your lashes..." I said laughing leading her to the bathroom

When she took her hands off my eyes, I looked and a big smile appeared on my face. Their were candles, roses, and chocolate covered strawberries all ova the bathroom. I turned and smiled at Indigo.

"Get in I'll be right back..." she said before kissing me and leaving out the bathroom

I turned around and started undressing myself and got in the jacuzzi tub. The water felt sooo good. I sat back, relaxed, and ate a chocolate covered strawberry. Indigo finally came back in with a cupcake with a candle in it. She is sooo fucking adorable I can't. She came to me.

"Make a wish..." she said with a smile

I closed my eyes, made a wish and blew out my candle. I opened my eyes and Indigo had a big smile on her face.

"Come get in with me..." I said looking at her

She raised her eyebrow.

"Come on..." I said in a baby tone

She sat down the cupcake, took off her clothes and slid behind me. I leaned against her and we just chilled.

"You know you've made this the best birthday for me..." I said playing with her fingers

"I have??" She questioned

"Yes, from the surprise party to this cabin. Everything is just perfect and I appreciate you..." I said

"You're welcome, I'll do anything to make sure your happy..." she said kissing my cheeks then my neck

Her hand started roaming my body. I knew wat she was on. As she continued kissing on me, she tilted my head to the side and started sucking and biting on my neck. Can't lie she made me want more. So I turned around and we instantly started tonguing each other down.
We pulled away, washed up and got out the jacuzzi.

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