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It's been a month and a half since the shit happened between Indigo and I. I know that I said I was done but lately I've been feeling the need to talk to her. I don't necessarily know why but I feel the I need to. She's been on my mind heavy for the last past week. I'm not gone lie, I miss her. I know y'all are like "your stupid" and "all that shit she put you through"
but I know y'all have been in a situation where you just can't leave them alone no matter how hard you try to convince yourself. Because you can't get them off your mind no matter how much you try because you love them sooo much...

Today is the day Aja & Jilly is having their photo album release party. They are photographers working together and the party is all white. So currently I'm getting ready with Juice and Jilly.

"I think we look sexy in all white, what y'all think..." Jilly said looking in the mirror

"Agreed..." Juice and I said walking up in the mirror behind her

I only had on my dress and my hair was fixed but I wasn't done getting ready. Juice was ready and I had to do Jilly's makeup. We started finishing getting ready. I did Jilly makeup then I did mines. I lotion up, put on my shoes, a necklace & sprayed on perfume then we was on our way.
Juice and Jilly rode with me, and I had the put the address in the GPS cuz I've never been to this place before. We rode to the place while singing, snapping and joking around. Within the next 20 minutes we arrived at the place, it was a big ass place. We turned the music down cuz I ain't wanna look ratchet. I finally found a decent parking spot cuz I was wearing heels. I didn't need a far parking spot cuz my feet would've been killing me . We parked then we got out. I made sure we had everything we needed.

"Y'all ready??" I asked looking back at Juice and Jilly

They nodded and we all walked in. We looked around, ain't gone front shit was super nice

This shit niccceee... Juice said looking around

"I told you babe, Aja and I picked a good
place..." Jilly said smiling

There where tables all around with seats reserved. I turned to see T and Aja walking our way.

"Heyyyyy babesss..." I said speed walking meeting them halfway with open arms

"Hey boo..." T said hugging me

"I ain't seen you in two weeks, what been up..." T said as we let each other go

"Busy doing hair, and makeup and I'm in the process of making my first wig..." I said hugging Aja

"Booked in busy, huh??" Aja asked making us laugh

"You look great..." T said looking at me

"Don't tell me that..." I said doing poses sticking my booty out

"Lord you done got her started..." Juice said laughing

"Oh hush..." I said playfully hitting her arms

"Lets go sit..." Aja said leading the way

We looked at the names and sat in our reserved seat. It was T, Aja, me, Juice, Jilly, and a extra seat on the other side of T whom I'm guessing was for Indigo. The seats was spaced out enough for us to have arm spaced but close enough so we could talk to each other. The next 5 minutes we were just having random conversation.

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