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Tomorrow Meadow and I will be going back our hometown. Currently we are at T's house cuz they decided to give us a Goodbye and Thank you send off. They cooked and everything. They really are some cool people, at first I thought they was stuck up but they are absolutely not. We were all sitting in the front room just talking about all of nothing.

"Let's play a game..." Juice said

"What y'all wanna play??" T asked looking around

"Let's play drunk uno..." Indigo suggested

"Hell yeah..." Sanjay said nodding

"Y'all tryna get drunk??" Mari said looking at Indigo and Sanjay

The only thing they did was smile.

"Drunk uno it is but after we eat..." T said pointing at us

About 10 minutes later the food was done. We fixed ourselves a plate and went back into the front room. We ate and watched wateva was on TV. After like 30 minutes we all threw our plates away, moved the coffee table to the side and sat in a circle so we can start playing the game. Aja went to the kitchen to grab the liquor while T went to get the uno cards. They came back and sat down in the circle.

"Look I can't get too drunk I gotta get up
early..." I said laughing a lil but I was serious

• If a person put down a skip or reverse and you are the one that miss your
turn ~ 1 shot
• If you pull 2-6 cards ~ 2 shots
• If you pull 8+ ~ 3 shots
• If you have to pull from the deck ~ 1 shot
• If you forget the rules ~ 1 shot
• If you forget to call UNO ~ 2 shots
• Loser ~ 4 shots

Mari laid down the rules then the game started. First and second round was a breeze. Third round was elimination which had everybody drinking shots back to back. Third round we started doing each other dirty as hell.

"Jilly you not my girlfriend no mo..." Juice said taking 2 shots

"Okay, no mo cootie for you..." Jilly said looking at her

"I'm just playing..." Juice said making us laugh

After this round I can tell everyone was getting a lil tipsy. By the 5th round I was drunk 🥴 I could feel it. Mari was on her stomach laid out across the small couch. Indigo was sitting in front of her on the floor and they was talking about god knows what. They are actually cute together and they compliment each other so well. Sanjay and her girl was sitting on the one person couch hugged up. T and Aja was in the kitchen cleaning but I don't understand cuz they are lowkey drunk so... How?? Jilly and Juice gone home, they were getting flirty and touchy so we all know why they went home😝!

It was going on 12 so Meadow and I decided it was time time for us to get going before it get too late. We gave out our hugs and said our goodbyes before heading out. I wasn't as drunk anymore, I was more of tipsy cuz the liquor wore off a bit. I drove us back to the hotel. When we got there we instantly stripped and got in the bed. I wasn't sleepy I just wanted to lay down. After like 15 minutes Meadow was sleep but I was watching tv. I heard my phone ding and I turned around to look at it. It was Travis.

Travis~ You at the hotel??

Me~ Yes, why?

Travis~ Can you come down? I need to talk to you..

Me~ What you need cuz I'm kinda already in the bed...

Travis~ Bella please! I need to talk in person

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