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So after mom and Skye left I decided to started getting ready. I went into the room and ran some hot water so I could get in the tub.
I threw 2 rags in the tub and I started stripping. Ion even gone lie I needed help but I heard the shower from upstairs running so I knew Amari was in the shower. I just fumbled with my clothes until I finally got them off, then I slide in the tub making some of the water splash on the floor. I laid back in the tub while my legs that was wrapped up was propped on something Amari sat on the tub. As I laid back in the tub. I closed my eyes and just relaxed. I relaxed for like 10 minutes before I decided to bathe myself. I can't even lie doing shit with one leg is hard. I be glad when it's better cuz this shit isn't cutting it.

But anyways after I was done, I washed all the soap off then I pulled myself out the tub back into my wheelchair. I didn't get the the wheelchair asshole naked, I had my drying off towel wrapped around me. I looked in the closet and Amari had my clothes set up like outfits, she had my bras on one shelf, and my briefs on another. I gratefully appreciate that cuz it made it more easier for me. I put on my shirt and bra with ease, but when it came to putting in them briefs it was a little difficult. But putting on them jeans it was no way in hell I could've done that by myself. After like 3 minutes of not getting them on I finally decided to give up. Then I heard a knock on the door

"Come in..." I said

Amari peep her head in then came in.

"Hey, I was seeing if you needed help with anything before I started putting on my clothes??" She asked

"Yeah, I kind of need help with my pants..." I said holding my pants up looking at her

"Sure, it's smell good in here..." she said sniffing the air

"Thanks..." I said with a small smile

She grabbed my pants.

"Can you sit on the bed for me??" She asked looking at me

I sat on the bed. She started putting my pants on each of my legs then she asked me to lift up.
I got up off the bed and she started pulling my pants up and I looked down. I looked down and all I seen was titties, her robe was opening at the top revealing her cleavage, shit looked sexy as fuckkkkk!!!
She pulled my pants up all the way then she looked up and my smile at me.

"That's all you needed??" She asked

I didn't say nun, I just nodded.

"Just call me if you need anything..." she said before walking out the door

Despite all my cologne her vanilla smell seem to wonder into my noise. It was a familiar smell like it's a smell that I'm used to.
I finally came back to reality and I buckled my pants and put on my one shoe cuz my other leg gotta case on it. My finishing was earrings, a chain then I sprayed on some cologne then I was done. I really don't need this wheelchair, I could've got crutches but mom wanted me to get a wheelchair talm bout it'll be more safe. But no, it makes me feel disabled and I'm very able.
Anyways I wheeled myself to the front room and grabbed my MacBook from under the table. I started looking up phones, because I need one ASAP. I wanted the newest phone so I started looking at the 11s. I couldn't decide which one I wanted, I know I wanted a big phone.
I heard Amari coming downstairs and I also smelled vanilla as she makes her way downstairs.

"Looking for a phone??" She asked sitting beside me

"Yeah, I'm looking at the the newest ones but also the biggest one..." I said strolling through phone

"The newest biggest phone is the IPhone 11 pro max..." she said typing away on her phone

"What kind you got??" I asked her

I got a IPhone XS Max... she said

I nodded and looked up the IPhone 11 pro max. After looking at the it I decided to order me the gold one. I closed my MacBook and put it back in place. Then I looked at Amari she was still on her phone, I guess she felt me looking at her cuz she turned and looked at me.

"You ready??" She asked looking me

"Yeah I'm ready..." I said

Then she got up, grabbed her purse and the keys off the table. She went up to the door and held it open for me, I wheeled myself out then I waited on her to lock up the house. Then we went to the car, she opened the door to the passenger side, helped me in, next she put the wheelchair in the backseat. Then she got in the car and pulled off. 

"Did she say where we're going??" I asked once again

"Of course it's a seafood place but it's the new one they just put up, it's called Kickin'
Crab..." she said long at her phone

"All she want is seafood, she gone turn into a shrimp..." I said making her laugh

"I tell her that so much..." she said still laughing

For the rest of the ride we talked a bit but we just listened to music. We finally pull up to this place, it was packed so I'm guessing it was good. We found a good parking spot, she got out to get my wheelchair then she helped me out. She went back to the driver side to get her purse, her phone, also to cut the car off and lock it up. After she did all that we went into the place, she held the door open for me and we went inside. We looked around until I finally spotted T who was sitting in a booth. As we got closer I seen that T was sitting with I'm guessing Aja (she's cute) and on the other side I seen Zoe. We finally made it to where they were.

"Heyyyyy..." Amari said with a smile

"Hey..." I said after her

Everyone else exchange their heys. Amari sat next to Zoe but she was also beside me. I sat at the end of the table cuz I was in a wheelchair. The waiter then came to take our drink orders and we started talking.

"I haven't seen you in a while Indigo, how you been??" Zoe asked looking at

"I've been fine actually..." I stated some what the truth

"So Indigo this Aja, Aja this is my homie Indigo..." T says introducing us

I looked at her and smiled, she waved with a smile.

"You've already meet Amari..." T said pointing to Amari

"Hey girl..." Amari said smiling

"Hey boo..." Aja said smiling at her

The waiter brung out the drinks and started taking food orders. After we ordered I started to notice that Amari started to look uncomfortable, then I seen her arm kept moving so I scoot back a little to look under the table. I seen that Zoe kept putting her hand on Amari's thigh and Mari kept pushing it off. It started to make me mad I don't know why tho, it's just some in me that wasn't setting right with it. I tapped T she leaned down so I can whisper in her ear.

"Look I know you probably wanna sit by your girl but if you don't mind, can you switch sits with Amari cuz Zoe keep touching her thigh and it's not sitting right with me..." I whispered in her ear

"Yeah I'll do it..." she says grabbing her drink

I tapped Amari then she looked at me.

"Switch spots with T..." I said she nodded and grabbed her drink

Then they switched spots and I felt better.

^This is TiAnna but call her T ^This is T's girlfriend Aja

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^This is TiAnna but call her T
^This is T's girlfriend Aja

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