Chapter 3 - The Usual Rejection

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Yet again, edited by @ShadowLykos :)

Note: You might get confused with this chapter! But -don't stop reading it if you think it doesn't makes sence,,,just carry on and all will be cleared!! :)


Chapter 3 - The Usual Rejection

Harry and Cedric ran towards the direction of the Triwizard Tournament cup, after they had both agreed that they wouldn't get it without the other. Something strange then occurred as the atmosphere began to swirl around them, making them feel quite dizzy. Harry fell flat on the ground, while Cedric landed on his feet, standing. Confusion was clearly visible in their eyes as they looked around, frightened at the place they had ended up in - a graveyard.

"What? It was a port key?" gasped Cedric, looking worried. Harry didn't answer. He was very shocked and so did not reply when he saw a short man walking towards them, holding a baby-like figure in his arms. Harry was thinking deeply. Could this really be Wormtail? he thought to himself as the man proceeded towards them.

"Kill the spare!" a man commanded with an evil tone. He didn't like the sound of it.

"Avada Kedavra!" Wormtail shouted, aiming his wand at Cedric. Cedric collapsed to the floor, motionless. Harry's heart pumped so hard against his ribs, he thought that at any moment it would jump out.

"Cedric... Cedric!" Harry shouted, twisting and turning in his bed. "Nooo!" he screamed, sitting up in his bed, panting rapidly with sweat trickling down his forehead. The door opened suddenly, hitting the wall behind it. Dumbledore entered, looking more worried then ever.

"Is he still the same?" Dumbledore asked, looking to his right. Harry slightly jumped at the sudden realisation that Snape was in his bedroom.

"He's still the same," Snape snarled, staring at Harry. Harry quickly turned away, trying to avoid his stare, and looked at Dumbledore instead. "I'm afraid he'll never change," he continued in the same tone.

"Come on, get up, Harry," Dumbledore insisted. "Go downstairs and eat breakfast. Hopefully, you'll feel better by then." Harry nodded, got up then glanced at the clock while making his way out. It was a long time past noon. Had he really been asleep this long? He was slightly scared when he recalled images of what he'd seen in the dream in his mind but he shook them off and made his way downstairs.


Harry luckily made in time for his lesson, Arithmancy. He sat on the seat between Hermione and Ron, who both looked at him like he had grown an extra eye. "What?" he asked, confused at their stare.

"Are you all right, Harry?" asked Hermione, looking concerned.

"Yeah, sure.'' He nodded his head, but by the look of it, they didn't seem convinced.

"Bloody hell, Harry, I heard what happened, are you sure you're okay?" asked Ron.

"Yes guys, honestly, I'm fine," he lied, as they waited for their lesson to start. Then he noticed Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were sneering at them across the classroom, holding a copy of The Daily Prophet in their hands.

"Did you really kill Cedric, Potter?" Malfoy asked mockingly while the others laughed.

"Honestly, Harry, just ignore them," Hermoine suggested.

"I guess they'll just always keep rejecting the truth," Harry said quietly, so quiet that only he could hear.

"Leave them, Harry," comforted Hermoine. "One day they'll regret rejecting the truth and wish they had listened to you."

"Yeah, and when will that be? Never?" grinned Ron.

"Stop it, Ron!" hissed Hermoine, and their lesson dragged on without another word.


Thank you all for reading! Please don't forget to vote,comment and fan! As I said, I need encouragement to continue the story,,please,,You(yeah you) don't forget to hit that 'vote' button! :D

The 4th Chapter will be uploaded once i get at least 10 votes for this chapter!! :)

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