Chapter 7 - She Has Her Ways (1)

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Hey guys, if you're still reading this, you're really awesome <3 Here's another chapter for you, enjoy! I'm so happy about the increase in reads i'm recieving so far, keep it up guys :) And to know whether u actually like it or not, please comment + vote, thanks <3 Bdw, this story is getting intense! enjoy ;)


Chapter 7 - She Has Her Ways (1) (Unedited)

Time was moving swiftly and before everyone knew, it was the end of the year. All the students were really excited to go home after the long year they've had; finally getting to stay with their families for the summer.

All except Harry. Of course, for him, staying with the Dursleys was a nightmare. He would do anything just to avoid their presence.

It was the night before they left and all students made their way to their house tables for the feast. With just three taps of Professor McGonagall's spoon against her goblet, Professor Dumbledore stood up.

''Another year ends and yet again it'll be the start of summer,'' He began, eyeing all students as they whispered excitedly. ''A lot has happened this year and the students of Dumstrang and Beauxbatons will be leaving,'' He continued. ''I will then however, inform you that Harry did not enter his name in the Goblet and our fellow student of the Hufflepuff house, Cedric Diggory, has sadly departed from us,'' He could see shocked faces and gasps from students and the upsetting emotion they all shared. ''I therefore suggest that we do a three minute silence for him, to remember his bravery and kindness and all the good characteristics that he possesed,'' After a few minutes of silence, Professor Dumbledore widened his arms horizontally and declared the feast to begin.

The students then excitedly began to eat from all the varieties of food present before them, really sorrowful how they've seemed to quickly forget about Cedric's death. Far on the other side of the hall seated at the Ravenclaw table however, was Cho who was sobbing quietly while her friends rubbed her back gently, soothing her and hoping that she'll recover soon.

But she wasn't the only person completely gloomy; Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table, tears threatening to fall. She held them back by blinking quickly though the hurt remained deep in her heart. She wasn't going to show that she was fragile, she had to be brave and bold, just like him. Of course, no-one was aware of her feelings. She had kept them secret ever since, and she wasn't planning on telling anyone either, not yet.

''So, you guys happy the year ended?'' Harry's question brought her back to reality. ''Hell yeah! Can't wait to be a 5th year though!'' Ron exclaimed. They all looked towards Hermione. ''Yeah, I think this year wasn't easy so finally overcoming it is a relief!'' She said, trying to feel better. They continued eating while Ron and Harry kept talking about how they'll spend the summer. Then something popped into Harry's mind.

''God! Not the Dursleys!'' Harry cried, balling his fists. ''Send them a letter via Hedwig,'' Hermione suggested. ''That'll be enough to let you stay at The Burrow and for them to creep out!'' She was suddenly feeling a little better and Harry alongside Ron were both beaming and grinning mischieviously. ''Thanks a lot Hermione!'' Harry smiled from ear-to-ear. ''No problem.''


It was the morning the trains were arriving and all students were getting their trunks ready, all except Hermione.

Once everyone was packed, students made their way to the platform ready to go. Hermione followed Harry and Ron as they talked about how Fred and George were going to try some of their tricks on them. They stopped by the train as it would be leaving in about 10 mins.

''Hang on a minute,'' Ron began. ''Where's your trunk?'' He asked, looking straight at Hermione. Ron may be slightly unintelligent but he sure caught Hermione. Harry also looked shocked. ''Yeah, and the train will be leaving soon!'' They definitely made her feel red and uneasy.

''It's in my dormitory.'' She replied shortly. ''What are you playing at? What is it doing there?'' They pressed on. ''Guys, I'll be staying for a bit.'' They chuckled. ''Are you serious? EVERY student is leaving! Some ONLY stay at Christmas or other holidays and NOT in the summer!'' Ron shouted, really surprised by her immatureness.

''Only for a week or two! I'll catch one of the trains that will come by and I'll be there before you know it!'' She clarified, she really hoped they would understand.

''And what would you do all by yourself?'' Harry questioned, folding his arms. ''Initially, I wouldn't be all by myself, the teachers and house elves would be present. Secondly, I'm planning to get a head start on what we will learn in 5th year (after the summer).'' Her stomach rumbled slightly at the lie she has delibrately said.

''Uh, okay then,'' Ron started. ''Suit yourself.''

The train was leaving in like a second and Harry and Ron rushed in. Once the train moved, they waved at her and she waved sadly at them. As the light wind waved her curly brown hair, she got back to Hogwarts and made her way at the library. She was feeling entirely awful as her thoughts ran around her mind.

Why did I even decide this? I can't live with out Ron and Harry - they are my best friends! How can just lie to them like that?! Merlin's beard! Why did I have to listen to my stupid plan, they don't always work. I should've thought carefully before making any decisions. Shame on me.


Thanks for reading this chapter! Please tell me your thoughts of this story so far! (By the way, I only updated because I was really happy that I was getting a lot of reads, so no upload until i get at least 10 votes:) Thanks again and don't forget to comment and vote for all my chapters-pleaase? :)

Take care always,


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