Chapter 5 - Revealed

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So I decided to update today as I haven't posted for a loong time, due to 7 GCSE exams i had this month for which I had to study/revise for. Now that i've finished the exams for this month, I can update more regularly! Hope you're liking how the story is going so far, plz enjoy!


Chapter 5 - Revealed (Unedited)

All the students made their way silently to the Great Hall as it was dinner time. They all looked too tired to speak probably due to all the lessons they've been through. Various food of different types were present on the large tables arranged in rows for all the different houses. Harry, Ron and Hermione made their way to the Gryffindor table as Hermione began to speak and brake the silence. ''Guys, remember. We have to eat quickly because-'' Ron interrupted her, annoyed by her repetition.

''We know! We're hurrying to the library to see an explanation of what Harry saw!'' He said, irritation clearly visible in his tone of voice. Eating quickly and gulping down pumpkin juice rapidly, they made their way to the library.

The library was empty and it was just in the state they wanted it to be. Flicking through all the numerous books, Harry opened a book titled 'Wizard Mishappenings'.

''Hey! I think I found it!'' Harry shouted and so Ron and Hermione rushed towards him. He was pointing at one of the many subheadings, which read 'Dissapearance'. Then Hermione read the text under it.

''Some wizards' wands can begin to dissapear due to the many 'Expelliarmus' charms read on them.'' She furrowed her eyebrows. ''Wow Harry, you totally found it!'' Sneered Ron, shaking his head. ''Hang on a minute, this source is weak and it definitely lacks evidence.'' Hermione clarified as they all continued their search.

 ''Okay, I definitely found it now!'' Harry nodded as Hermione and Ron raised a brow at him. ''Really, I'm sure! Positive, a hundred percent!'' He said, trying to sound certain and believable. They made their way towards him, again. Hermione shook her head and began to read from a book titled 'Out of the Ordinary'.

''At the brink of death, a wizard can be bitten by a Vampire to help them live. This can then turn them to become Vampizards, a rare condition in which a wizard is half Vampire due to the bite.''  ''See!'' Shouted Harry with a smug look on his face. ''I told you!'' He continued.

''So you're right?'' Hermione asked with widen eyes. Being much of a knowledgeable person herself, she evidently didn't see this one coming as it was very rare and was mentioned in very limited amount of books. ''Blimey! I thought Vampires didn't exist!'' Exclaimed Ron with a stunned look on his face. ''Come on guys, it's getting late. We should head out to the Gryffindor common room.'' Hermione suggested, the shocked look remaining plastered on her face.

 Walking out of the library, they could hear some muffled voices coming from Professor Dumbledore's office. Hermione tip-toed towards it, placing her ears on the surface of the door. ''What are you doing?!'' Harry and Ron asked in union, she wasn't the type of person who'd do that. ''Shush!'' She uttered, placing her index finger on her lips. They merely stood next to her placing their ears on the door too.

 ''Yes, that's exactly what happened, Harry told me the same night. He said that Cedric was a Vampizard which could only mean that he was bitten by a Vampire. Do you by any chance know of such beings?'' Professor Dumbledore was speaking and it was a mystery to who he could be saying that to.  The other person seemed to be hesitating as he was stuttering and could not speak fully.

''Well you know, I've always hid this from others and none other than my wife would know what I am about to tell you now.'' They knew that voice, they've heard it before - it was Mr Diggory. He hesitated further and began to reveal everything; about how his grandparents were Vampires and about Edward. Harry, Ron and Hermione were gobsmacked, their jaws dropped and they could not believe what they have heard. Not wanting to draw attention from standing near the office, they withdrew - only for Harry to bump into someone.

''You eavesdrop, eh?'' They all jumped at once.'' I now have to make sure that my office is fully cavity insulated on the walls as well as on the door.'' They knew that voice too well - Yes, it was none other than Professor Severus Snape.


Yes, I know it was short, but at least I updated! Don't forget to let me know you think, yeah? Oh and I obviously say this all the time - don't forget to hite that 'vote' button! :D I'll upload when I get at least 10 votes.

Diary of a Vampizard (Harry Potter/ Twilight Crossover) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now