Chapter 2 - The Brother Who He Never Knew Existed

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Once again, edited by @ShadowLykos :)


Chapter 2 - The Brother Who He Never Knew Existed.

Cedric flicked his eyes open, upon hearing the noise of a deafeningly loud alarm clock. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, surveying the odd-looking room in which he was lying in.

He was lying on a bed whose mattress was thick and white. It was incredibly large and completely made of wood. There was one huge window on one of the walls, with deep scarlet curtains draped over it. The only light was from the moon shining through the window. The ceiling was carved in an intricate pattern. Weird wooden carvings decorated the walls - heads of various animals, such as griffins and dragons. Strangest of all were the two white marble statues at the opposite end of the room, one a wizard, one like a wizard; but not quite.

"Where is this place?" he muttered to himself, as he struggled to his feet and began to explore the room. He parted the curtains and looked out of the window. The thin crescent of a moon was shining over the dark, black sky, but everything looked so different. The houses before him looked more like palaces with large windows and gates. The road seemed to be busy. Everyone was zooming in different directions, which made Cedric think. "What on earth could they be doing in the middle of the night?" he wondered, furrowing his eyebrows.

Suddenly, the door opened with a slight squeak. Cedric turned around sharply, afraid of who it could be. Someone stepped in, but Cedric could not see the person clearly. He could only see the dark silhouette of the man, who was slightly taller than Cedric with quite broad shoulders. "So you're awake?" the person asked, with a husky voice.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Cedric shouted, reaching into his pockets and pulling out his wand. He then pointed it towards the person.

"I'm Edward, you older brother. This is where I live," replied Edward, and he took a step closer to Cedric.

"Get away from me, you liar! I haven't got any siblings!"

"That's not how you speak to your big brother. Bad boy," he said, smiling broadly with his head slightly tilted to one side. "You wizards aren't the only ones with powers, you know." He zoomed towards Cedric quickly, snatched the wand from his hands and returned to his previous position. Cedric was stunned, and could not believe his eyes.

"What are you?" Cedric asked, attempting to sound brave but failing miserably.

"I'll tell you," Edward replied, ''But only if you listen to me. Sit." He gestured towards the bed.

"Fine," Cedric mumbled. He sat on the right side and Edward sat on the left, sitting back to back.

"You see," Edward began, staring at the ceiling, ''When a child is born, they are a pure muggle, and they can choose to turn into anything, as they grow. Our grandparents are vampires, they raised me, and so I chose to be like them. Our parents on the other hand chose to be wizards, they were not really interested in vampires." He smiled at the thought. "You however, are a Vampizard," he added.

"As in half vampire, half wizard?" Cedric asked thoughtfully.

"Certainly," Edward replied.

"But how? I chose to be a wizard," Cedric protested, as he turned towards Edward.

"Yes, you were a wizard before, but when you were about to die, I bit you, which means you now have a vampire and wizard system in your body."

"Is that bad?" Cedric asked nervously. Edward smiled, putting his arm on Cedric's shoulder.

"Not at all. I have friends who are Vampizards, and they're normal, like everyone else."

"But how can I see you? Aren't vampires invisible?" Cedric questioned.

"We are, but not amongst ourselves, and you can still see me even if you're not a full vampire."

"Does that mean..." Cedric began, but stopped, saddened at the thought.

"What? Carry on," Edward encouraged.

"Does that mean that my friends can never see me again?" There was a moment of silence.

"Well..they can hear you," Edward replied awkwardly. Tears began lining Cedrics eyes, but he fought them away. He was thinking of Cho and how he wanted her to be able to see him. Maybe I can visit her one day, he thought to himself, before she's taken by someone else.

"Here," Edward muttered, handing the wand back to Cedric.

"Thanks," Cedric muttered. Edward got ready to leave, but then looked at Cedric. "Let's go, and I'll show you around, we can even go and visit our grandparents." Cedric attempted a smile and got up.

"Wait," he said to Edward. "Lumos," he whispered, and the tip of the wand shone brightly. In the light he was amazed at how much he and Edward resembled each other. It was only that Edward was quite taller and looked much stronger but they shared similar features. ''We look alike eh?'' Edward muttered,grinning and so they both began to leave.


Thank you all for reading the chapter! I need encouragement for continuing this story! But,with your support I can! So please vote,comment and fan! Thank youu! x

Diary of a Vampizard (Harry Potter/ Twilight Crossover) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now