Chapter 26 (final)

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Liz's POV

I found him. He was right in front off me. Sitting on the stairs outside of the hospital. Having nothing but a rock in his hands, which didn't lasted long as he threw it not harshly at a trash can beside him.

I couldn't see his face but I could tell there was no more than a frustrated expression on his face.

Once again I felt scared. As if I really should have been there or not. I tried to take a step forward but the thoughts were overwhelming and instead I took a step back, wanting to give him space to think and analyze everything.

It must be tough.

As I turned around to go back inside I heard him talk, "no, don't leave."

I stopped and turned around meeting up with his back facing towards me just like when I first came.

If I couldn't recognize his voice I wouldn't have even realized that it was him, talking to me.

That didn't last long though.

He turned his head to look at me, "stay with me." He said, having no emotions on his face except betrayal.

I softly smiled as I walked up to him and sat beside him on the steps as I felt a little bit of pain on my leg bruises.

"You okay?" He said looking at me. It seemed like he caught me shutting my eyes roughly as I felt the pain despite me trying to hide it.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I replied.

"That's what you always say." He said looking back down at his feet again, "how are you so strong?"

"What?" I asked confused.

"I mean, you've been through a lot. Mentally and now..." he said looking at my bruised body, "... physically." He said looking sad.

I opened my mouth to say something as if I had something to say. But I didn't. So I just let him continue.

"But then it's me, feeling weak over something stupid."

"This is not something stupid, Avan." I said taking his hand from his lap and putting it on mine, "it was a big news, and- and you have all the rights in the world to feel weak."

He looked up at me in the eyes.

"Look at us," He chuckled softly, "never thought I'd be living a movie like this. Our whole story... seems like a dream. A movie. Full of drama." He resumed, making me smile at how his statement was true but yet funny.

"I know. A big drama movie." I told him as we both looked up.

And here it was.

The eye contact lock. And trust me when I say my stomach was filled with butterflies.

"But I don't want it to end." He said, smiling.

"Me neither." I said back.

As we smiled for like a minute at each other.

"You know, I have something to tell you." He broke the silence, looking all awkward and guilty.

"What?" I giggled slightly at his face.

"You know how you think you remember everything now?" He said.

"Well technically I'm not sure but yeah somehow?" I said, confused.

"Well that night you told me that you're not going to remember anything and you know it and I kinda... promised to tell you everything." He told me avoiding eye contacts.


"Well I wanna keep my promise." He said, now looking at me. "I'm going to tell you the rest of the story even though it's kinda embarrassing."

"Oh god what did I do?" I asked, feared.

"Erm... it was not all your fault tho but you'll gonna thank me for being sober at that situation." He said laughing softly.

"So... you're gonna tell me or not?" I asked, feeling a grin growing on my face.

"Well... I tried to help you change and-" He tried to explain but he was cut off by my suddenly reaction, "oh God... I'm already embarrassed..." I said feeling my cheeks going bright pink.

"Anddd... you... kinda, emm, kissed me. And wanted to take it far..." he said slightly blushing too.

"Oh my GODDD. Now I'm embarrassed as fuck!" I felt my cheeks warming up more. They should have been red by then.

I hate when I'm drunk.

"It's okay it's okay I told you to stop and that... you'll probably don't want us to have sex when you are drunk." He said chuckling as I smiled sheepishly, blushing more and more.

"Wh-what did I said?"

"You said -do you really think I wouldn't want that if I wasn't drunk-" he said so but then stopped for some few seconds, "well I wasn't sure if you were talking the truth."

"No no no. I always talk the truth when I'm drunk." I said but soon covered my mouth realizing what I just said.

He laughed at me which made me laugh along.

"Don't be shy about it..." he said now blushing among with me.

A moment of silence filled the space once again, until he broke it again, "damn you really have a way to make bad situations good."

"I guess you get that when you get me by your side." I smiled.

He looked up from his laps and laid eyes on me, "does it means I have you now?"

"I don't know... I guess if you want me then... I don't mind." I said.

We looked deeply into each others eyes as we began to lean forward.

I suddenly stopped as I caught some paparazzi dude behind the hospital door, sneaking on us.

"What's wrong?" He asked, confused.

"Don't look behind but there is a paparazzi behind you." I explained.


"Do you really want us to be spread? Specially when internet still doesn't know about you and Zoey's break up?" I asked, being concerned.

"I really don't mind." He said as he grabbed my face and pulled me into our official, real, passionate kiss.

As we pulled away, our foreheads were still touching and our eyes were shut, "Thanks for helping me be me." He whispered.

"And I'll make sure you'll always be." I whispered back as our lips touched again.

A/N. Anddddd done! Honestly I was planning on keep the story going but as I said in my announcement box, I don't wanna use all my story ideas and cliffhangers on one book so... I hope you enjoyed it. If you made it here, you are ELITE. Thanks for reading. See you on the next book perhaps?

1085 words

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