Chapter 7

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Liz's POV

After about an hour of probably wasting time in a Starbucks which was only two blocks away from my house, I finally determined to get up and leave the place.

All the guiltiness and thoughts of mine about ruining Avan's relationship with Zoey, made me not realize the time passing.

Well lets be honest.

I kind of was happy, they weren't in a good condition, now. But the bad side was that I was the one who ruined it and it was not good.

You know, that's not what you do when you care about someone.

The other thing, preoccupying my mind was the previous night. I hate it when I get way too drunk that I barely can remember a thing. Specially in this case that I was with Avan and I had a secret to hide and I woke up in the morning without and pants on.

If it was up o me, I would have chose to sit there for more time and drown in my thoughts. Well it at least helped me feel less guilty about Zoey and zoom back on the night.

But the last notification I got on my phone too me out. It was a message from Sarah. Sarah is my manager and agent.

Checking my phone which was put on silent, I found out that it wasn't the only notification.

You have message from Sarah
Miss call from Sarah (3)
You have 2 unread messages

Oops. I opened the iMessage app to check them. Two of them were from Sarah and one from Denis Leary- the director of the Netflix comedy series I'm working on, Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll.

I carried on and checked Denis' first. I know I was expected to check Sarah's first, but there I was.

( Denis Leary )

Today, 9:18

-Hey Liz I sent the new episode's script to your agent. Read it, I'll meet you at the set tomorrow for the first table read.

Today, 11:45

Ok, thx.-

I replied even though I almost forgot about it. That's definitely why Sarah kept trying to get in touch with me.

I then check Sarah's text.

( Sarah )

Today, 9:04

-Liz I received the script for the new episode. Meet me at my office

Today, 9:30

-Liz why don't you answer my calls?

Today, 10:07

-I don't know what's going on but call me ASAP.

I payed for my so called breakfast and my drink which was supposed to decrease the pain of headache but starkly didn't and got out of the place.

I really did not expect any paparazzis to come to me. Well I don't know why. They are always around.

As I left there, I felt flashes on me which was related to 3 paparazzis.

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