Chapter 3

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Liz's POV

It was like my brain rang automatically and woke me up when it was near 8 o'clock.

Working as an actress and waking up by an alarm everyday, not sleeping through some nights, makes your body verifying itself to work like an alarm and wake up automatically.

Looking up at the white ceiling then around the large white room, I remember the previous night.

All the event passed through my mind like pictures.

I got up, groaning a little bit, and got out of the huge bed. I tidied up the black sheets quickly as I began to walk to the bathroom in my room to take a quick shower.

Since I realized it was too soon to be awake on a day I was off, I thought I could take a shower before Ariana or Avan wake up.
After 20 minuets, I was out, walking to the wardrobe which was settled on a side of the room.

Opening the second door which I knew I had put my clothes there, I changed my outfits to a black top with laces on the upper part and black tights among with the same charm coat I wore last night. I had left those outfits there once I was at Ariana's for a sleepover. And it came to my help that day.

I dried my hair, curling the end of it in my usual hair style.

And I was done.

Opening the dark brown door, I got out of the room, walking toward Ari's which was the one beside mine. I opened the door slightly and carefully not to wake her up if it was a possibility of her being sleep still.

But there I found an empty room.

I could say she was already woken up. The bed sheets were tidied up. I went downstairs since I didn't heard the water dropping on the floor in the shower, showing she wasn't in there.

But to my surprise I didn't found her there as well. The only thing I found was Avan sleeping on the couch.

I looked at him sleeping peacefully which made me smile. I was happy that I get to see him again.

The 'ding' voice my phone made, took me out of my daydream. I took my phone out of my jacket's pocket and started reading the message.

( Ari )

Today, 8:43

-Hey Liz. I couldn't wake u up so I just left when Roshad (A/N- Ari's tour manager and dad) texted me to meet him.

It's ok. So why is that?-

-He said he had set an interview for me.

When you'll come back?-

-I don't think I'll be home till night or so.


-Would u be at mine when I come back or u r going to hangout with mr. Jogia? :P

Why would she say that? Why she used :P ? And the most important thing why I felt butterflies?

Today, 8:45

Why would you say that?-

-Em, maybe cuz u act weird recently when u r around him.

Wait, huh?

I don't act weird. Geez. He's just Avan.-


-Btw, I should go. Bye pretty. Have fun ;)

Bye dingus :)-

I sat on a couch near the one Avan was sleeping on and went on my social media for some check outs and maybe posts.

After about half an hour, Avan started moving and blinking in a soft and slow rhythm and finally he opened them completely, showing he was totally awake now.

He got up and sat on the sofa he was laid on just a second ago. It didn't seemed he had realized that I was there.

I didn't looked up of my phone screen. I just watched him from the corner of my eyes.

He looked around until he saw me and was like he just remembered the previous night.

He finally smiled and talked, "hey." His voice could clearly show that he had just woke up.

I decided against looking up at him so I kept looking at my phone, "hey." I simply replied, now putting my phone a side and looking at him.

I chuckled softly at his fluffy hair which was in a delight mess, making him look funny.

"What?" He asked. "Nothing just your hair..." I spoke pointing at his hair with small grin appearing on my face.

He looked up like he could see how mess his head looked and let a small "oh." out and laughed among with me.

He tried to tidy his hair a little with his fingers, running through his hair, which I guess it kind of worked.

"Better." I said, playfully as we both laughed softly another time.

"So, where's Ari?" Avan asked after we calmed down. "She went out. Roshad called her." I shortly explained, followed by him, nodding his head.

"Come on. Let's go eat breakfast." I told after some seconds of silence. "You haven't had it yet?" He asked, probably getting it that it was awake way before him. "No. I waited up for you." I shrugged and he smiled at the respond.

We both got up and went to the kitchen to have our breakfast.


"Oh fucking shit." I mumbled when the pan felt off. I know I was the one who said I want to make breakfast by myself and that I didn't need Avan's help, but geez... I'm not good at this as you are expecting a woman to be.

"Someone needs help?" Avan talked as he was sat on one of the chairs of the kitchen island.

"No!.." I replied since I didn't wanted to show that I need it, but quickly denied it, "I mean yes... I mean... pff... shit. Yes come help." I finally let the words out of my mouth.

He got up from the silver chair and walked toward me, while laughing softly.

"So what are you going to bake?" He asked, rolling his sleeves up. "I dunno, something?" I lied. I knew what I wanted to make but I was embarrassed to say that I was unsuccessful in baking such an easy thing.

"Liz." He called, like he knew I was lying. "What?" I said like I didn't know what he meant. "What did you wanted to bake?" He asked again.

"Ugh, I'm embarrassed! Can't you just make something you want?" I told. He didn't reply but gave me a look that meant a lot.

I looked down, ashamed, "okay, okay, I wanted to make pancakes." I said, getting ready for him to laugh at me.

But that didn't happen.

He lifted my chin up and smiled into my face before saying, "Don't feel ashamed. Come on. We'll make it together." I smiled back and we began to cook.

A.N/ So, here was the morning. What do you think is going to happen after? They both have nothing to do for the day...
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