When life throws a brick, throw it back

Start from the beginning

Eva gave me a wickedly funny pouty face that sent me into yet another fit of maniacal laughter. By the time I was done, my stomach hurt and I was on the verge of throwing up.

"You seriously need some help." Eva said meanly. She gave me a good bonk on the head to emphasize her point.

It seemed as if she was about to give me more details on why I need help, but all of a sudden she went quiet. 

"Why are we in a damn hospital room? what happened? Ugh, I hate hospitals. They smell too clean, and they're too shiny and I feel stuffy from the chemicals." she complained. Her usually cute face scrunched up in distaste.

"Not sure." I said to fill the empty air while I contemplated the reason for being in a hospital.

"And why does everything have to be white? As if that will make anything more sterile. Did I mention the smell?" she whined.

I ignored her complaints and started to think about what might have occurred.

"Well, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that we were in an accident and possibly injured... what's the last thing you remember?" I inquired.

She was still rambling about her hatred of hospitals so I asked again, this time much louder. She tapped her finger on her chin. A habit of hers for when she was thinking deeply.

"Well, I remember seeing a huge flash of light when we were outside during..."

"THE LIGHTNING STORM." we yelled in sync.

"It must have been! I guess we got struck by lightning. I mean it..." I trailed off, unsure.

"Makes sense, I mean, brilliant flash of light, outside, storm. Still it doesn't hurt to ask, I mean for all we know we could have been nailed by a falling tree limb" Eva continued my thoughts.

"Let's go and ask." I said.

Just as we were about to leave the room, a tall grey haired man in a white lab coat entered. He was aging. Even I could see that but he still had a young springiness to him. His eyes crinkled sweetly as he spoke.

"Hello girls. I am Dr. Eli Stone."

"I am quite surprised to see you awake and walking around. Normally people don't recover so quickly from a freak lightning accident like yours." He gave us a look of utter amazement and glanced back at his charts. 

Eva and I glanced at each other quickly before answering the doctor.

"When did we get hurt?" i asked.

"Three weeks ago, you girls came here in serious condition with first degree burns covering about 40% of your bodies. After roughly 3 weeks, you were left with only scars on your backs. Both of you are very lucky to survive. It's highly peculiar for people to recover in just three weeks from injuries like you had sustained. In fact it is biologically impossible to heal at the rate that you two did." he said this as he stared at his clipboard.

"Wait we've only been hear for three weeks? That doesn't make any sense, even you said so." I hear my sister say incredulously.

"You're lying, just tell us the truth." Eva snarled. The doctor seemed taken aback by the harshness in her voice.

Even I didn't believe a word that this distinguished looking man spoke.

"Im so sorry for my sisters rudeness." I said apologetically while giving my sister an icy glare. "Sometimes her mouth gets ahead of her brain."

"Its fine, I have experienced worse."he brushed it off and continued. "No, I wasn't lying when I said that both of you suffered from severe burns. They covered nearly 40% of your bodies. Nor was I lying about he rate at which you healed."

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