When life throws a brick, throw it back

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My feet glided over a cracked but beautifully architectured stone pathway. The effect of the flowing tiles was almost dizzying in the dazzling glow of the atrium. A soft wind whispered to me sweet nothings and caressed my delicate skin. Closing my eyes as its soft touch enveloped me I began to twirl. My arms swung around me, deep raven hair flying around after I had let it loose from its tight restraints and for the first time in my life I felt carefree, almost happy. Although it was forbidden to feel any emotion, I allowed myself this one precious moment to bask in the yellow glow of my ecstasy. For this single minute could not last forever, I exhaled. Quickly I pushed the glorious happiness away and a single tear streamed down my cheek, another emotion. Sadness filled me as the euphoria left. The anguish filling the empty crevice. Good, if I, "The Traitor" were to feel an emotion... best it be sadness. Atleast my grieving would seem less out of place. I allowed my stone facade mingled with slight distress to settle upon my beautiful face and I gracefully swayed into the high court.

"Tis time for judgement, dear angel"


Slowly I could feel the outer edges of the black fog lift, freeing me from the bleak cloud of the unconscious. My eyes blinked open and I cringed at the intense burn of the floresent light that filled the room I was currently in. More cautious of the harsh glare I gradually opened my lids and glanced around.

Silently I absorbed my surroundings. I found myself on an ordinary white bed like the ones you find in a hospital with the uncomfortable crinkly bed sheets, that do nothing for the cold. I looked to my left and found my sister in a bed similar to mine, except she hadn't woken up yet. I tried to get out of the bed in order to survey the area and possibly wake up my sister who was still snoozing lazily.

As I sat up my arm was yanked back and I grimaced in pain as something pulled at my flesh. There was a large needle attached to one of the veins in fleshy part of my arm. I pulled the thick needle gently out of my skin, wincing as it dug across my very sensitive skin. Finally after a few tugs and a light toss, the painfully large needle was on the table near my bed. I then peeled off the nodes that were attached to my chest and dropped them to the cold hard floor.

My sister moaned and rolled over in her sleep and I took this as my cue to wake her from whatever she was dreaming about. I rushed over and shook her madly. She groaned and rolled away from me so I started to whisper-scream her name. 

"Evalina, pssst, wake up lazy." I shook her aggressively and she didn't respond.

Typical. Eva absolutely hated mornings. Waking her up was nearly impossible. A few more mintutes with no reaction and I was starting to get frustrated. There is only one course of action left. After carefully removing the needle from her arm, I pushed her not so gently off of the bed.

"AAHHHHHHH!" she shrieked. I snickered to myself for a few seconds at her bewildered and slightly disheleved appearence before helping her to her feet.

"What was that for you moron!? You didn't need to push me completely off the bed!" She punched me roughly and I winced when it jossled my bruised needle arm.

"Thats what you get for not waking up. It's not my fault you are so sleep deaf that you wouldn't hear the world end."

Waving my arms in the air I pretended to make bomb sounds and started cackling as I caught the look on my sisters face.

She glared and kicked me, causing me to stumble into the monitor next to my bed. She lunged to prevent the bulky screen from toppling and smacked her head pretty hard on a protruding metal piece.

At this point I couldn't stop my self from bursting into a huge fit of laughter. I was still rolling on the group as Eva rubbed her battered head sullenly. I glimpsed at her again when my laughter had subsided some.

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