Prologue teaser thing...

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There are going to be no ships, I'm sorry emma x ray, emma x norman, norman x ray people. But I don't want to start a mini riot in the comments :/ I also haven't read the manga yet so bear with me, some of this will not be accurate. Also I'm going to make it so that Norman doesn't look 18 when 12/13.

'There it is, we've finally made it...' Emma felt the tears of relief falling down her face. There she was, standing with her family, ready to start their new life. She felt someone grab her hands. looking to her left she saw Norman smiling at her. On her right Ray was glancing away a bit, but she knew that both of them felt the same way as herself. Putting her gaze back on the portal like gate in front of her there was a rising feeling of anxiety and uncertainty, but those feelings felt so small compared to her excitement for a new life, and accomplishment for saving her family. Norman then turned his head to look at their siblings behind him.

" Everyone hold hands with someone, we'll go in pairs. We won't know what is waiting for us but what ever it is, I'm sure we can handle it as long as we're together." Some were crying and some were cheering but all were ready to head into the unknown. The younger kids paired with the older ones in groups of three or four, and group by group the 'big three' watched each of their siblings go through the gate until they were the last ones left.

" Any last words for this world?" Ray asked the other two while Emma and Norman snorted at his comment.

" You make that sound as if were about to die." Norman replied as Emma just continued laughing.

" I guess I did, well, I don't want anything more to deal with in this world so are you ready to go?" Emma nodded and gripped onto their hands a little tighter.

" On three." Emma smiled getting ready to jump into the gate.

" One..."

" Two. "

" Three!"

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