Chapter 21: Motherly Instincts

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Only 1 chapter this week :( BUT to make up for that, you guys will be getting-- drumroll please........

4 whole chapters next week! Woo-hoo!

It was either this or give y'all five chapters this week, and in all honesty, I didn't have time to edit 5 chapters

ALSO fun little bit of information, for those of you who missed my ramblings on Quotev: since we don't really know Five's lineage (we can speculate, but there's nothing clear), I have decided Mina and Five are going to be Indian and British/German (meaning the mother that gave birth to them was already biracial) because that's my lineage, and my skin color is basically the same as Five's, so therefore, that's my declaration. The end

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"Mina!" a voice shrieked.

Overwhelmed with panic, I shot up, flailing my arms just enough to fire a bolt of lightning out to my side. One of the blurry figures hovering over me jumped back and stared at the smoldering spot on the carpet, before they directed their attention back to me.

Wait... carpet? Last I checked, I was on a hard floor.

Slowly, my eyes began to adjust, and I could just make out a big, bulky man with horribly hunched shoulders shaking as he attempted to hold back laughter from the much skinnier man to his left. Soft cushions bent beneath me as I pushed myself up onto my elbows, trying my best to fight through the banging and pounding against my skull as my body attempted to recover from both the excess intake of alcohol and the overexertion I put myself through.

"What do you want, Diego?" I snapped, my speech still slurred because I'd just woken up.

"Not so fun when you're on the receiving end, huh?" he smirked, crossing his arms as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Diego, come on," I heard Vanya's voice chastise. "Leave her alone."

I thought Vanya was going back to the farm to talk to Sissy. What was she doing back at Elliott's?

"Right. Sorry."

Once my vision had fully cleared, Luther passed me a steaming, bitter mug of tea and a couple of painkillers. It would take them a while to kick in, but at least this headache would slightly subside eventually. That pain right there was a beautiful reminder for why I rarely had more than one or two drinks a night.

I had absolutely no clue how Klaus did it.


I shot up to my feet suddenly, spilling some of the still-boiling hot beverage onto my sweater. I flinched briefly, registering the searing pain, before my brain turned right back to my missing brother, and subsequently, my sister that he seemed to be clinging to as of late. My eyes darted around quickly, searching for either of them, but they weren't anywhere on this floor.

"What happened to Klaus and Allison?" I asked, my voice strangled and gargled as I leaned closer to Vanya, indicating I was asking her. She shrugged, her shoulders appearing almost disjointed from the rest of her body as she did.

"They must have gone back home," she answered, not really sounding too sure of the answer. "I went, too, for a little bit, but..." Vanya trailed off, an almost pained expression crossing her face as she thought about whatever came after her return to the farm. Sensing the tension, Diego and Luther stepped a little closer to me, allowing her to collect herself.

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