kunal searched through the nearby wood...


he saw kuhu laying at a distance...and rushed to her...

kunal:omg...kuhu...  aarav...fast...bring that ambulance...

abir found a bracelet in mishti's hand... she was holding that with all her strength...

he opened her wrist and took that bracelet...it was the bracelet he bought her for the first time...


abir:mishti ...see this...

he pointed at a beautiful silver bracelet...

mishti: it's beautiful...

abir: let's buy...

mishti: do you think she will like this?

abir: who?


abir: ooh madam... I am not buying this for ketki...this is for you...

mishti was surprised...

mishti: for me?

abir: yes ...it will be beautiful in your hands...

mishti: and what is the occasion?

abir: every gift does not require the occasion...and by the way...this bracelet is for you to remember your promise...

abir took the bracelet and gently made her wear the bracelet ...

mishti: it is beautiful...thank you...

abir nodded...(Chapter 9 ref)}

abir's tears reached mishti's hand...

at the hospital...

doctor came outside the room...

doc:i couldn't predict the exact reason...its like they were thrown with a force... but how can some person throw this strong... 

abir:how are they now?

doc: due to heavy shock... some of their inner organs are damaged... and they were hit by tree... it makes the thing worse...

kunal:doctor...do something...

doc: kuhu will survive... but i am not sure about mishti...she has to wake up within 48hrs...there are lot of clots in her blood... it may have reached the brain...

abir was shocked...

abir:doctor...do something... please... please....

he started to fold hands in front of the doctor...

doc:we will try our best... pray to god...

doc left the corridor...

abir:aarav...see ... i knew something like this would happen... 

aarav:abir... something has to be done... you know that....

abir sat on the nearby chair...

aarav:but are you okay?

he pointed at abir's feet...


aarav:show your feet...

it was red and swollen...

aarav:god... i gave you protection shoes...like i gave them to mishti and kuhu...did'nt you wear that? 

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