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"Thank you for coming with me," Kindaichi sighed, fixing his bow tie, "i haven't seen my parents in years."

"It's really no problem," Kunimi sipped his coffee that he had picked up on his way to Kindaichi's house. 

"I feel bad, I don't want to bring you into my family drama," Kindaichi fixed a few out of place hair strands, "and, why are you drinking coffee in the evening?"

"I offered to come with," Kunimi set the now empty cup down, "I like coffee." 

Kindaichi chuckled, shaking his head and then continued to mess with his appearance.  

"Yutaro!" Kunimi grabbed his boyfriend's hands, "stop playing with your hair. You look amazing." 

Kindaichi sighed, "alright." He checked the time. 



"We're going to be late and my dad won't let us in if we're late," Kindaichi rushed to grab her coat. 

"I'm sure we'll be ok," Kunimi grabbed the bowl of salad the two had made for the meeting. With the other hand, he grabbed Kindaichi's hand, causing a small smirk to plaster on Kindaichi's face, and they made their way to the bus station. 

The bus ride wasn't long and soon they found themselves in front of the small house that Kindaichi's parents lived in. Kindaichi stood at the door, his hand in a fist in front of the door, preparing to knock. But he didn't. 

"Oh, come on, Yūtarō," Kunimi knocked for Kindaichi. 

The door was thrown open. 

"Yūtarō!" Kindaichi's mom beamed as she opened the door and engulfed her son in a hug. 

The two stood there for a while until his mother opened her eyes, noticing Kunimi. She gasped, pulling away from her son. 

"Akira?" She asked. 

Kunimi nodded. 

"I'm so sorry!" Kindaichi's mother cried out and bowed, "Kindaichi was such an idiot in high school."

"Oh, it's ok," Kunimi held up his hands, "besides, Yūtarō and I are actually… uh… dating." 

"What?!" His mother beamed. 

"Wait.. mom you knew about what I did? But I didn't?!" Kindaichi asked. 

"Well, your friend Makki told me about it, how he felt bad, but when I asked you, you were confused," his mother informed, "then I realized you must have forgotten from the accident so I decided not to jog your memory, just in case. That's the real reason your father said he never wanted to see you again."

"Oh," Kindaichi sighed. 

"Aiko, who's at the door?" A gruff voice asked as he appeared in the doorway, "Yutaro?"

"Hi dad," Kindaichi smiled. 

"Who's that?" His dad motioned towards Kunimi. 

"Akira, my boyfriend." 

"You like boys?" 

"Isamu, he has already told us," Aiko informed her husband. 

"He did?" 

Aiko nodded, "sorry, Yutaro, your father has been forgetting things lately."

"What is he doing here?" Isamu asked his wife. 

"He's here to reconnect with us," Aiko told him. 

"Oh, why?" 

Aiko gave a small smile, "he was upset with us." 

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