~ 6 ~

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Kunimi hobbled inside the school, seated with his crutches, hoping to not speak to anyone and that no one would ask what happened.

“Hey Kunimi,” Oikawa walked up to the 1st year, Kunimi didn’t expect him to still talk to him after the accident, especially since Oikawa was a third year and Kunimi was a first year.

“Doing ok?”

“As good as I can with a bruised rib and crutches.”

Oikawa chuckled, “I’m glad to see you’re still funny.”

‘He thinks I’m funny?’ Kunimi thought, ‘I mean, we did joke around in the hospital room.’
“Uh, thank you,” Kunimi felt his lips tug into a small smile. 

“Well, I should probably head to class now, I’ll see you after school?” Oikawa asked, “you can come to my volleyball practice.”

“Ok.. bye.”

Oikawa waved happily to Kunimi as he trekked off to his classroom.  Kunimi sighed and began to try and make his way to class. He had an excuse if he ended up being late though. 

“Hah, how pathetic,” A voice came from behind Kunimi and he turned to see Kindaichi. 

“Please leave me alone,” Kunimi begged the black haired boy. 

“Pleading now?” Kindaichi raised an eyebrow then pushed Kunimi, causing him to fall and a sharp pain hit where he bruised his ribs. 

‘Just my luck, the halls are empty,’ Kunimi felt the pain go through his whole body, ‘I’m going to get even more injured if this continues.’ 

Kunimi looked over at the crutches that laid beside him, before reaching for them and using them to knock Kindaichi’s legs out from under him. 

“You dick,” Kindaichi growled. 

“Shut up,” Kunimi felt tears threatening to fall as he growled. 

“How dare-”

“Shut up!” He hit Kindaichi in the head with a crutch.

Kunimi turned back and began to head to class once more as Kindaichi held his head. Kunimi was just glad he didn’t let Kindaichi see the tears. 


“Kunimi Akira,” his name broke his train of thought.

Kunimi looked up to see the headmaster, he made a motioning finger meaning he wanted him to follow him. Kunimi was confused as the heads in his class turned to stare at him. 

‘Please.. Don't stare,’ Kunimi pleaded in his mind. 
The headmaster walked to the halls and into the headmaster’s office. 

“Take a seat.”

Kunimi looked to the chairs. There were two of them, they were gray and made of leather. The one farthest from the door was occupied. By Kindaichi Yūtarō. He slowly lowered himself into the chair next to him.

“So, Mr. Kunimi, it has been brought to by attention that you have been bullying Mr. Kindaichi since school has started,” the headmaster informed.


“Now, I’ll let you off with a warning since you’re injured, but this school does not tolerate bullying under any circumstances,” the headmaster clenched his hands together, “if this bullying does not stop, I’ll have to expel you and I don’t want to do that.”

Kunimi sighed, “yes sir..”

“Thank you,” you two may return back to class, your parents will also be contacted.”

“Yes sir.” “Yes.”

Once out of view of the headmaster, Kindaichi finally smiled, “you should’ve expected this, you mistake.” 

Kunimi’s eyes snapped open once he heard the familiar beeping of an alarm. ‘Gosh, that dream was something,’ Kunimi forced himself up and into the bathroom where he splashed his face with cold water to wake himself up more. He grabbed some contact solution and made quick work to put his contacts in. 

He quickly changed into his clothes and brushed his hair, yawning again. Kunimi will admit, he’s exhausted from last night. He walked over to the bedside table and unplugged his phone, slipping it into his pocket. 

“Bye Rei,” he whispered to his blonde girlfriend who groaned in her sleep as reply. 

Kunimi checked his phone to see some messages from Sorin.

‘I’m feeling pretty sick today from my drinking fiesta.’

‘I won’t be coming into work today.’

‘But all you have is a photoshoot and then the rest of the day off.’

Kunimi decided not to respond and just began his walk to the studio that his terror awaited him at. ‘I forgot breakfast,’ he thought to himself, ‘oh well, hopefully lunch will come fast.’

“Oh hey, Kunimi, right?” Kunimi turned and saw Hinata, Kindaichi’s assistant.

“Oh… hello,” Kunimi nodded.

“You looked tired.”

“I am.”

“Here,” Hinata held out a small bag, “it’s a bagel… I hope that’s alright with you.”

“Oh, I’m good, thank you though.”

“It’s fine, I ate with my roommate,” Hinata continued to offer, “I could buy another for my lunch. Besides, you’re a model, you need to eat all three meals to be healthy.”

“Oh, well, thanks then,” Kunimi grabbed the bag and took out the bagel before beginning to eat it.

Just as he finished the bagel, the two of them arrived at the building.

“So no manager today?” Hinata asked as he helped Kunimi take off his coat.

Kunimi shook his head.

“Aww, I prepared myself to get the drinks faster,” he shrugged, before walking off and putting the coat away.

Kunimi took a deep breath before he entered the main room, hoping that Lev or maybe Iwaizumi would be in there so he wouldn’t be alone with Kindaichi. But just his luck.

“Hey Lev’s still out on an emergency so I will be helping you out today,” Kindaichi smiled.



Yay chapter 6!

~ SatoriMiracleBoy

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