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'Come on Kunimi, you can't just skip work.'

'Don't ignore us.'

'It's been a whole week.'

'Are you not going to the party then?'

"U-Uh, babe, you're not supposed to be home until later," Rei laughed nervously, "it's not what it looks like."

"You're clearly cheating on me with my manager," Kunimi stated the obvious.

"What? No!"

"You're naked.."

"There's a good reason for that," Sorin butted in.

Kunimi crossed his arms, "What? Did you just trip on her and both of your clothes fell off?"

"Uh... yes?"

"Out, both of you," Kunimi ordered.

"B-But, I live here," Rei frowned.

"Well, now you'll have to find somewhere else to live," Kunimi growled, "now leave before I physically force you out."

"Come on, babe, let's talk about this," Rei stood up, covering herself with a blanket.

"Get out."

"Let me explain myself," she reached for his face.

"Don't touch me!" He yelled, before grabbing her wrist and dragging her out of the front door, "now you don't get to pack your stuff."


He went back to Sorin who was still in his room, "you better leave or I WILL chop off your balls."

"Alright, I'm leaving," he grabbed his pants and put them on before leaving the house, "see you at work tomorrow."

Kunimi laughed, he wanted to stab him right then and there, "you think you can go out with my girlfriend and still be my manager?!"


"No, I never want to see you again, you're fired," he slammed the door.

Kunimi covered his head with a pillow, but found himself not being able to fall back asleep again. Even after washing the sheets and pillows multiple times, he couldn't bring himself to easily fall asleep in the bed.

Knock, knock.

'Go away,' Kunimi pleaded in his mind.

Knock, knock.

'I'll kill you.'

Knock, knock, knock

'I'll kill Her!'

"Kunimi!" a voice called.

"Kindaichi?" Kunimi muttered, "do I have the strength to deal with him?"

He forced himself up, running his fingers through his hair as he answered the door, yawning, "yes?"

"Oh thank god!" Kindaichi sighed.


"We were worried that something bad happened to you," Kindaichi informed, "you never answered our messages."


"Lev, Iwaizumi, Yamaguchi, Hinata, Rei, and I?"

"Rei was worried about me?"

"Yeah, she came to work asking to talk to you."

Kunimi growled, "the nerve of her."

"Did something happen?" Kindaichi asked.

"Yeah, she cheated on me with Sorin," Kunimi sighed.

Kindaichi's eyes widened, "how dare that bitch! You didn't deserve this."

"I have a feeling I do deserve this."

"Why do you think this?" Kindaichi questioned.

"Maybe you were right..."


"I am trash and I do look like a bug."

"What are you talking about?" Kindaichi was confused.

"It's... nothing.."

"Well, you're not trash and you definitely do not look like a bug!" Kindaichi grumbled, "if you were a bug, you'd be a butterfly!"

Kunimi raised an eyebrow, "that was super cheesy."

Kindaichi laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, "Really? Sorry."

"No, it's all good," Kunimi tried not to, but his lips tugged into a small smile.

Kindaichi and Kunimi stood in silence as they just stared. The longer they waited, the more red Kindaichi's face would get.

"Well, I should go, I have a reservation for lunch," Kindaichi blushed some more, feeling himself turn warm.

"Oh yeah, see ya."


Kunimi went to go back inside, but remembered something and quickly turned back around, "oh and Kindaichi?"


Kunimi felt his face get slightly warm. 'Why?'

"I'll go to the party with you..."


Oh daaaaang! 

~ SatoriMiracleBoy 

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