~ 18 ~

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Kunimi took a deep breath, staring at his reflection in the mirror. Was he really going to do this? Was he really going to go out there and sue Rei? Yes. He had to. For himself.. and in a way… for Kindaichi. After today, Rei will leave him alone… and hopefully take Sorin away with her. 

Kunimi messed with his hair a bit as the doorbell rang. 

"Come in!" Kunimi called out. 

"Are you ready?" Iwaizumi asked, his voice filled with concern. 

Iwaizumi… one of the friends who had been one of the beams of support he needed all these years. A friend he could trust with anything, who would have his back no matter what. 

Kunimi nodded. 

"Are you nervous?" Yamaguchi asked, appearing from behind Iwaizumi. 

His other beam of support, Yamaguchi. He wasn't that big on confrontation, but when needed, he would stand up for Kunimi and offer his moral support. 

Kunimi gave a small smile, "I feel like I'll be alright with you two there."

"Then we should get going," Iwaizumi informed, "and be prepared, this will be live everywhere." 

Kunimi took a deep breath, "yes, lets go." 

Yamaguchi gave him a reassuring smile, with a hand on his shoulder before the three walked to the car located near the front. Iwaizumi opened the door for Kunimi who thanked him and got in. 

Yamaguchi sat in the back while Iwaizumi drove and Kunimi was in the passenger's seat. He glanced out the window. At a time like this, he missed Kindaichi's smile. Having Iwaizumi and Yamaguchi helped a lot, but he couldn't help but want Kindaichi here with him as well. And the guilt returned. 

"Mattsun is going to meet us there," Iwaizumi informed, his eyes scanning the road for any dangers or road signs. 

Kunimi nodded, "ok." He felt calm. 

When Kunimi saw the big crowd in front of the courthouse, the calm feeling disappeared and was replaced with an anxious feeling. So many cameras… and reporters. Usually, he would be ok with the cameras, but this was a different circumstance. 

Iwaizumi came around with Yamaguchi and opened the door for Kunimi to exit. 

"Kunimi has just arrived!" A reporter informed to her viewers at home, "Kunimi, how are you feeling about this?" 

"No comment." 

"Why no comment?" She pushed the microphone in his face, causing him to feel more anxious. 

"He said no comment, meaning he doesn't want to speak," Iwaizumi growled, pushing past the reporters with Kunimi and Yamaguchi, entering the courthouse. 

Kunimi took a deep breath as they approached Mattsun. 

"Everything is in order," Mattsun informed as Kunimi greeted him and his lawyer, Akaashi Keiji, shaking his hand. 

"Kunimi, what the hell?!" Rei stomped towards Kunimi. 

Kunimi went to say something, but Akaashi put a hand on his shoulder, "don't say anything to her.. she can use it against you." 

Kunimi nodded and Rei scoffed before strutting off. 

"We should get in there now," Mattsun looked at his watch and they were allowed to enter the courtroom, taking their seats. 

Iwaizumi, Yamaguchi, and Mattsun sat behind Kunimi and Akaashi who sat at a little table. Across the room was Rei and her lawyer, Rei glaring at Kunimi. Iwaizumi gave her the finger. 

"All rise!" 

Everyone stood up as the judge entered, with his shiny bald head and long gray beard. (If you get it, I love you.) After the judge sat, so did everyone else. 

"Has she done a DNA test to see who the father is?" The judge asked. 

"Yes sir," Akaashi informed, "i would like to call up Dr. Daishou." 

A man with slick green looking hair walked to the stand and explained how the DNA test worked. Akaashi handed a paper to the judge which showed the answer. 

"It says here.. that Sorin Kitigaya is the father," the judge announced. 

Murmurs were heard in the crowd. Iwaizumi smirked and Rei fumed. 

"Finally," Iwaizumi stretched as the five of them exited the courtroom. 

'We did it,' Kunimi thought to himself. Rei could leave him alone now. 

Now he could be happy. Though, he needed something else. 

"Mr. Kunimi, how do you feel? Accomplished?" A reporter asked. 

Kunimi was silent. 

"Mr. Kunimi?" 

Him. I need Him. Kindaichi. 

"I feel… in love.." 


Kunimi pushed through the crowd, beginning to run. 

"Kunimi!" Iwaizumi called out, but that didn't stop him. 

Kunimi remembered where Kindaichi lived from what had happened and so Kunimi kept on running. Once he arrived, he knocked on the door. There was no response. 

"Where would he be?" Kunimi muttered, "maybe he is working.. i have to go to the studio!" 

Even though he felt out of breath, he ran to the studio and threw open the doors. 

"Kunimi?" Hinata asked, confused. 

"Kindaichi? Where is he?" Kunimi asked. 

"I think in the main room with Oikawa." 

"Thank you!" He threw open the door to the mainroom. 

"Kunimi?" Oikawa asked, shocked, in which Kindaichi turned around. 

Kunimi ran towards Kindaichi, ignoring Oikawa. 


Kunimi grabbed Kindaichi's hand, "Kindaichi.. I'm so, so sorry for everything I've done, it was uncalled for.. I shouldn't have held a grudge and I just wanted to tell you.. I like you a lot… way more than I've ever felt for someone before." 

Kindaichi blushed, "Kunimi… I.. I like you too." 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one is the last chapter. Enjoy!

~ SatoriMiracleBoy

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