{Chapter Ten}

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"You're like the opposite of all of my mistakes/ tear down the biggest walls and put me in my place
I know that kind of comfortable you cannot replicate/ you feel like home"
- Bones (One Republic)



IT WAS CLEAR to everyone at camp that Percy had been successful. The storm rather quickly cleared up, and a war hadn't broken out on olympus or amongst men. This left everyone waiting for Percy's return. It started out with the entirety of camp at the top of the hill. Then, as more time passed without Percy, the campers started to loose interest and the numbers started to trickle, little by little.

Arya had tried to get Luke to come wait with her, but he seemed to be in a rather bad mood and refused, politely, but it was still a refusal.

    Arya didn't think much about it, it had occurred to her during a dream the night before that Luke might be a little resentful towards Percy, especially with Percy coming back as a certified hero, whereas a year ago Luke had failed his quest and came back to nothing but pity. That would be a hard thing to be around, a reminder of your failures.

By sunset, almost everyone had wandered off elsewhere, leaving Arya, Annabeth, Groover, and a few others, wanting for the boy who saved Earth. Even Arya had to admit she was a little jealous of Percy.

Eventually, Arya could see Percy walking up Half-blood Hill and she started bouncing up and down on her toes waiting for him to reach the tree. She wanted so badly to run to him, give him a hug. However, she didn't feel like getting killed by lightning today.

    The further he made it up the hill the more and more kids showed back up. Then the cheering started.

The three were treated like celebrities once Percy made it to the top of the hill. Arya had been shoved to the back of the crowd because of her inability to walk over the border. It took a few minutes, but at some point the sea of people seemed to split in half leading a trail for Percy right to Arya, the boy stopped in his tracks as he looked at his sister and a ridiculous smile grew on his face. Arya waited for him to step over the border before letting her excitement consume her and running up to him and pulling him into a hug. A week of extreme stress and fear melting away.

"Gods Percy I'm so happy to see you." She said as tears welled in her eyes at the fact that her brother was not only alive, but a hero.

"I'm happy to see you too" He said holding her tight.

    He hadn't imagine him and Arya being at the point of emotional hugging yet in there relationship, but for some reason ever since he left Olympus it's all he wanted. He had thought Arya was his last remaining family for the last week, and the distance the trip put between them seemed to grow there relationship stronger. Percy wasn't complaining, he always wanted a sibling.

Hope & Betrayal // [Percy Jackson OC] // Book 1Where stories live. Discover now