Chapter 8

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It only took us under half hour to get to the base and when we did we immediately sprang to our feet and bolted out the car, we didn't even care to close the doors and turn the engines off because all we think about was the girls. I just assume that the others think the same as well even if they don't admit it, base on what I see on their faces it was obvious that they are worried.

When we got to the entrance the heavy metal doors was wide open, it hanged sideways on the wall as the top of the heavy duty hinges was fragmented and blackened and the guards lifeless body sprawled on the door with half of his face and body burnt off. We dashed down the long hallway leading to another entrance where we last see a synthetic door locked but now its shattered remains littered the metal deck that overlooked the meeting area.

It was a disaster; floors trashed with papers we left for another meeting, cracks on the screen formed large cobwebs, the table was turned over and the large glass window up on the General's office filled with bullet holes. We descended the metal staircase, our rifles out and checking each corners for any hostiles hiding.

Our heads tilt up in alarm when we hear gun shots coming from the upper levels of the building. I kept my rifle pointed up the emergency stairs, my mind in a brink of deciding to break my post to find Kendall.

"Everybody split up, find your girls and make sure their safe. We got to wipe out all intruders." Aigle states as she inserted her earpiece back. "Virgo and Epta might have bought us some time with the buildings defenses and the girls should be smart enough to hide."

"Keep your earpiece on and wait for the two to call back, they could be trying to find other ways to contact us." Tora advised.

"Can we split up now?" An impatient Dio asks.

Aigle nods. "We'll meet up at the agency, I doubt they attacked there. Tora and I will head to the control room and request for back up, we're going to be needing a lot of help cleaning this base. Now scram!"

As those command left Aigle's mouth I barreled up the stairs leaving everyone behind me with the same haste. Their rooms were at the seventh floor and I could not wait in a slow ass elevator to bring me up. On my way I see empty bullet shells on the floor, seems that the two had put up a good fight, and I observe it trailing up meaning that they had gone at the same direction.

Turning to another flight of stairs a man appeared charging towards me with the butt of his gun aiming at me. I swiftly side stepped his attack and slide behind him. "Incoming!" I yelled, shoving him as hard as I can.

He lost his balance and tumble down the stairs, Esey —who was just behind me— looks up and see what was coming at her.

"Rye!" That was all I heard when I continued bounding up.

On the white wall from the top I see a number seven written in bold blue letters telling me that I has reached my designated floor, next to it is a glass framed double doors, well used to be double because now the other one was shattered on the floor.

The remnants of glass shards crunched underneath my feet as it automatically took me to our room and find the doors already wide open. I went inside, dark and cold; just as what was gnawing in my chest seeing no signs of Kendall. The room looked like there was violent whirlwind passed through, everything was turned over; the couch was at the doorway, cracked frames and broken vases decorated the floor, and a familiar sweater on a smear of blood infront of a line of white light blaring through the bottom crack of the closed bathroom door.

"Kendall..." My voice came out as a low, dry whimper while I drag my feet across the room.

I fall to my knees, plopping my rifle to the side and pick up Kendall's sweater. Is this her blood? Where is she?

Syndicate: Project Rye [Kendall Jenner/You]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora