Chapter 4

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“With all due respect sir, you told me we would be fighting world threats, you never mentioned babysitting was on the plan.”

A crossed legged Kendall sitting next to me glares at my direction, I could see her frown at the edge of my eyes. I glanced at her, scanning her dishelved appearance and click my tongue in displeasure, making her frown deeper. Shortly after our raid at what we thought was just an auction house, turns out the auction wasn't the only illegal thing happening. Behind the house, there were two buildings; both runs trafficking deals though one involves children. Unfortunately I haven't heard its case from other detectives.

“You have to, being that your team are the only ones who knows about this project you need to guard her.” He pauses, motioning to Kendall. “All of you do. especially that you all are handling influential people.”

I lean forward, trying to understand. “Influential?”

“Look outside.” He points.

I turn my head and gaze through the large window over showing the meeting area below, where the detectives and other girls lounge on the round table waiting while they mind their business.

“Do you notice something?” Hearing the General, my eyes squint at the sight, looking closely and scanned the women, very familiar women.

Emma watson.

Kylie Jenner.

Megan Fox.

Gigi Ha—

“Why the hell are there celebrities here?” Surprised, I turn to the general with a baffled expression. Then it clicked. “Wait a minute. So they're only targeting celebrities?”

“You just noticed?” Kendall interjects.

“Pardon me, I didn't notice since I don't know you.” I frowned at her. “Who are you anyways? Are you even famous?”

Her head tilts back, a hand on her chest. “Are you serious? You don't know me?”

“Does it look like I'm joking? So shut up stranger.” I turn away ignoring her bewildered face.

I do know the infamous Jenner, just wanting to mess with this girl and it's obviously working.

Detective.” The general eyed me sternly, making me raise my hands and bite my tongue. “Until we arrest all who are behind this case, you both need to cooperate.” He switched his serious gaze at the two of us.

I nodded quietly, my eyes marveling around the room with a tinge of guilt.

“Now, Detective Y/— Rye,” At my peripheral vision I notice Kendall squints her eyes at the general with suspicion. “I've arrange rooms for the both of you in the upper lever of the building. Take rest you'll need it, both of you.”

My brows raised. “There are rooms here?” I asked, baffled.

“The building isn't big for nothing. And besides, everywhere is not safe but here.”

“Can I suggest a place?” Kendall smiled sheepishly. “You see, I saw the place from outside—”

“You worried about the rooms?” The general chuckles. “Don't worry Miss Jenner, we already planned ahead of your stay so we took care of the rooms for your comfort.”

“Oh..—uh, thank you.”

I rolled my eyes at the celebrity, them and their in need of luxury, pushing my chair back and stand up while Kendall followed suite. “We'll be going now, Sir.”

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