Chapter 11

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I hope I'm not too late in greeting you, my lovelies, a Merry Christmas! 

When we arrived at the General's office everyone was already there lined across in front of him, their body stiff, and hands clasped behind their backs. Virgo and I had inserted ourselves to complete the unit in hopes to begin the meeting and get the hell out as quick as possible, wishing that the meeting would be short so I can catch up to Kendall. I know the case is more important but I cannot help but to be taken away by my desires.

I want Kendall just as much as she showed how she wants me. It wasn't like this before, I'm not like this. I can't believe Kendall had released something inside of me that I did not know existed; to crave someone. To crave her, her smile flashed before my eyes, her glowing red lips, her seductive grin, and fierce dark eyes luring me in.

Keeping my head forward, I peered from the edge of my eyes and my gaze connects to Tora. Both of us teaming up is still on hold at this point, it only depends on the general's decision if he would still allow us to handle the case, if we're lucky enough to stay we can totally execute our plan. To be honest, I don't really know what the plan is, what I'm certain of is pairing up with Tora
would be a best step, choosing her—the head of the anti drug department— I'm pretty sure she have something up her sleeves. I'm betting everything that this bitch wouldn't turn out as the traitor.

Looking at her I noticed something, my eyes flicker down to it and quickly back to her eyes. Her lips were swollen, making my brows quirk at it. She shoot me a disapproving frown at my questioning look. I turn away, dropping the subject that clearly wouldn't get the answer.

"I'm certain some of you already have an idea why I called a meeting." The General spun on his heels, averting his attention from the window overlooking the hall where each door to the departments are seen with office workers walking in and out.

The silence felt dense as though it would suffocate you, our mouths remained shut while our eyes avoided the General's scrutinising gaze, no one dared to speak, even bat an eye at him. It seems that I'm not the only one rooting to stay in the case.

"No one?" I hear him sighed heavily. 

Epta forced a cough, her voice ring in hesitation. "Is it..—is this about the secret base, sir?"

"Right you are. After all, everyone should've have a clue by now what it'd be." His stern, gruff voice made Epta look back down to the floor. "As you all know the secret base is under going inspection. Other units are scoping out the area making sure that no intruders left hiding, and our computer forensics investigators are already analyzing every system's history trying to find out how the base is tracked and who did it."

I lift my chin. "We've already cleared the area when the reinforcements came after the ambush."

"How can we be sure? One of you is a traitor."

My jaw clench and turn away, biting my tongue back before I could say words that would make the situation any more harder for us. So the two really did told him the truth as I assume. They both are the heads of the deparment, its no questions if  the two talked when it is all part of their job.

The General stood behind his desk, his strict eyes perusing our faces. "I'm removing all of you in the case. "

His words shouldn't had an effect on me when I already half expected his decision, but it did, and it all took the most of me to stay calm and quiet, there's no point in arguing when he already made up his mind.

Dio broke her stance. "W—what?...but General you can't do this—"

"Silence!" Dio was cut off by his harsh voice. "Tomorrow another unit will be arriving, courtesy of france, and they'll be taking the case at this point. All of you will be sent to Russia and undergo training for your next assignment."

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