Chapter 14

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*Third Person POV*

After Izuku finished speaking, the room was full of wide eyes and open mouths. Iida and Uraraka kept glancing at each other while sitting by Izuku for support. They know how hard it was for him to talk about the accident, knowing full well that the only reason they knew is that they were listed as emergency contacts when he was overseas, and got the call when he was hospitalized. Slowly, the others in the room broke out of their shock, and immediately pile onto Izuku in a giant group hug. They were all trying to speak, but none of them could think of something appropriate to say.

Mina finally forms a coherent sentence, "I'm so glad you could tell us! I can't believe you went through that!!" She wipes tears away from her eyes and smiles at the green-haired man in front of her.

After everyone had calmed down a little bit, Izuku tried to lighten the mood and suggested some scary movies, making the rest of the group's faces pale.

"HA! You guys are gonna piss yourselves" Katsuki was trying to hide how shocked he was, he had a feeling that Izuku hadn't told them everything, but he's glad that the greenette had shared even a portion of what happened. Things are often easier to deal with when you have a support net, and Katsuki was going to make damn sure that Izuku's was woven tightly.

*Katsuki POV*

"You extras put on a movie, I'll get some popcorn." I wave them off as I get up and head toward the kitchen, grabbing some big bowls out of the cabinets. And popping 5 bags of popcorn for everyone. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone enter the kitchen, I turn to see who it is.

"Want some help Kacchan?" Deku smiles, making my heart skip. "Sure, wanna pour the bags into the bowls? I'll be heating up some more butter." I wave toward the counter where the bowls are waiting.

"Yeah absolutely! Extra butter is my favorite~!!" I chuckle at how excited the nerd is. I go over to Deku and wrap my arms around his waist, feeling him tense for a split second before relaxing into my embrace.

I bury my face in his neck, "Thank you for opening up a little. If there's anything else you need to talk about I'll be here" I whisper, and notice he's shaking a little so I tighten my grip for a moment, placing a light kiss on his neck before turning around and making sure the butter was melted fully. I can tell there are some other scars, and my gut is telling me that that fucking blue haired bitch is responsible for some of them. "Thanks Kacchan." I hear Deku say quietly.

I try to push down my anger at the thought of the cotton candy haired asshole. I drizzle the butter over the bowls of popcorn and Deku and I each take two back to the living room, to disperse them among the extras who are currently.... building a huge pillow fort?

"Excuse me but what the fuck is going on here?" I ask, bewildered at the scene in front of me.

"Bahahaha! Oh my god Mina you weren't kidding" Deku is cackling, setting down his bowls before joining in and helping Four Eyes secure blankets to two of my lamps to create more of a pillow castle than anything else. It looks like they took every pillow in the whole building to create this thing. "Okay I'm honestly impressed that you morons were able to figure this out." I say, a hint of awe in my voice.

"Woah there Bakubro, don't go busting a blood vessel to compliment our manly fort" the redhead pipes up, poking his head up through the blankets and causing Pink Cheeks and Mina to bust out laughing.

"I have a feeling that Tenya did most of the work here, him being an engineer and all." Deku puts a finger up like he's about to start going off on a rant.

"You would be correct Izuku, however I must commend Mina and Ochaco for executing the design so well." Four eyes replies, looking oddly proud of himself as he stands with his hands on his hips.

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