Chapter 4

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*Izuku's POV*

I check the time, 6:59, knowing Iida, they'll be here any second. The guy is way too serious about being on time. I grab a black fitted long sleeve and pull it over my head, glancing to make sure I don't look overdressed.


Right on time, as usual. "Coming!" I say, I put my phone in my pocket and start heading over to get the door.


"I'M COMING!!" I yell towards the door, running over and opening it to see my two best friends grinning at me. I smile and give Uraraka a hug, having to bend down a little since she's still only 5'3", and high fiving Iida. Iida looks as intense as ever, his black hair almost looking blue under fluorescent lighting, and his rectangular glasses ever present. He's taller than me, standing at 6'2", He grins.

"Hey Deku!!" Uraraka beamed at me as she came inside and took off her shoes before bouncing over to the couch and plopping down. Iida shuts the door behind him and follows Uraraka. "Hello Midoriya, are you well?" He always sounds so formal, I chuckle and nod, sitting next to Uraraka as Iida claims the arm chair.

I lean back against the couch, "Yeah I'm doing good, thanks for agreeing to come guys."

"Sooooo? how are you really?" Uraraka says, pulling her legs up and resting her chin on her knees, Iida also looks worried. "Guys I'm fine! It was weird seeing Kacchan again but you guys act like I'm going to spontaneously combust." I put my hands up and without warning my scar tingles where Kacchan traced it, making my face flush.

Iida and Uraraka look at each other and then back at me, smiling and snickering. "Oh really? Why is your face as red as your shoes?" Uraraka giggles and bumps me with her shoulder. "Yes, something must have happened, please do tell us." Iida leans forward.

"W-what do you mean? Nothing happened, nothing at all." I wave my hands in front of my face, seeing my two best friends look at each other then grin "Oh reaaaaaaally," She pokes my cheek, "Then why are you blushing so hard? Come on! Spill!" Iida laughs as I sputter, then sigh and put my face in my hands, leaning my elbows on my knees

"Well I do mean it when I say nothing happened, we didn't even say more than a few words to each other at my appointment, but, um, he may or may not have ran his hand down the scar on my shoulder." I say into my hands, not looking at the pair even though I can feel their eyes boring into me.

"I could barely feel it but I know it was him." I peek through my fingers at the girl sitting next to me, immediately regretting saying anything as I see her start bouncing on the couch, looking between me and Iida. "And he did seem pretty shaken up about something." I add, remember how flustered he seemed.

"Well, I hardly blame him, you're not exactly the same person as you were in school. And it has been many years since the last time you two have been in contact." Iida says, chuckling at Uraraka's bouncing. "Now I'm even more excited to go to Club Midnight tonight!!!" She sits up, looking me up and down before moving over to my closet and rustling through it.

"What are you doing? Uraraka, come on, I look fine, I'm not trying to impress anyone! The only reason I'm going is because Kaminari invited me!" I look to Iida for help, but he just shrugs, "Midoriya, you may as well take advantage of the situation, if Bakugou will be there why not see how the night unfolds?" I give him an exasperated look, "You're no help" I grumble, immediately getting hit in the face with a thin, light blue long sleeve with a shallow v-neck.

"Go change! You don't want to blend in, we gotta make sure Bakugou notices you!" Uraraka pipes up after lobbing the shirt at my head. I sigh.

"Oh, who else from school will be attending?" Iida asks, getting up and going to my liquor cabinet. He pours three shots of vodka, handing one to Uraraka and one to me as I finish switching shirts. "It would be nice to catch up with our old comrades." He downs the shot, while I'm still surprised he even poured them.

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