Chapter 2

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Katsuki finished up the stencil and opened the door to the main area of the shop as the other two guys chatted. He stopped dead in his tracks, Izuku had his shirt around his neck as he was untangling the shirt from his ear. 'Wait... what? When the fuck did that happen?' He felt his face get hot as he tried not to look at the toned, scarred back, and tattooed arms on the man in front of him. His ears and nose quickly turning a bright shade of red.

"Hehehehe" Kirishima snickered as he saw Katsuki's face, to which the blonde's only reply was a murderous look that just makes Kirishima grin.

"What's so funny?" Deku says, struggling with his piercing, "Oh, nothing" the redhead replied, pulling a portfolio over to look through while he waits for his client.

*Katsuki's POV*

I get the stencil set and have the fucking dumbass confirm that it's good. Deku puts in some earbuds and the music playing is loud enough that I can still hear it while I work.

Well at least he doesn't want to talk. 'Of course he wouldn't you moron. Not after how you treated him in school' I ignore the voice in my head and start to work.

The process always calms me down. As I start on the first lines, everything else melts away, I can forget the dumbass I'm working on, the idiot behind me still snickering at me, any annoying thing just disappears.

Well that's usually how it goes.

About halfway through, as I'm dipping for more ink, Deku shifts a little and suddenly I catch myself looking at his back. 'When the fuck did he bulk up? The fucking nerd was always such a shrimp' I glance at the long scar running from the base of his neck to the bottom right of his rib cage. 'I wonder what happened.. this looks recent'.

I reach out without thinking and trace it with my hand. 'WAIT WHAT AM I DOING??' I quickly pull my hand away as I notice Deku turn his head slightly at the contact. 'What the fuck was that, focus dumbass' I scowl and hear Kirishima let out a little snicker as the door bell chimes again. I go back to line work, my ears burning, trying to clear my mind of whatever the fuck that just was.

"Hi! Welcome to Ground Zero, oh hey Denki! Here for your appointment? Nice to see you man!" Kirishima says behind me. 'Oh great, now dumbass Pikachu is here? Great.' My scowl deepens and I focus on each individual line to ignore them.

"Hey Kirishima!! HEY BAKUBRO WHAT'S UP MY MAN!" Denki yells, like he thinks I can't fucking hear him. "I can hear you just fine you moron, shut up, I'm working." I growl as Denki and Kirishima go to the redhead's station and get prepped.

"Wow what a greeting Bakugou, yo you still up for Friday???" Denki says as he sits in the chair and pulls his sleeve up. "Dude of course!" Kirishima replies as he preps for the color on Denki's sleeve, "Oh, and check out who's here" I hear the two idiots whispering for a while.

I go back to tuning them out, and continue working on the lines.

*Izuku's POV*

As I'm listening to my music I feel something touch my back and trace my scar, 'what?' I think, trying not to jump. I shift my head to peek around and feel the pressure disappear, replaced with the sting of the needle. 'Okay.... that was a little weird.' I try to put it out of my mind, and close my eyes again.

A few minutes later I need to stretch, so I take my earbuds out. "Hey Kacchan, can we take a little break?" I hear the machine turn off. "Sure whatever, 5 minutes."

I get up and turn around to stretch, and notice Kirishima working on a guy with shoulder length blonde hair. "Wait, Denki Kaminari???" I say, shocked. What is with this today? I haven't seen these guys in years.

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