How it all begun - Part 3

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Too soon, and thankfully, without meeting Zain and his friends again, Aqsa's vacation in the beautiful Cappadoccia came to an end. The girls had one more hot air balloon ride (this time with a sensible family with kids on-board) and they all decided that this very enjoyable and scenic ride topped their list of all-time favourite activities.

Aqsa jolted awake as the plane landed smoothly at the Istanbul Airport. It had been a wonderful uneventful week (not taking into account the encounter with Zain of course 🙄). The girls picked their luggage and ran to their families waiting eagerly outside to pick them.

"Boy have I missed someone to torture around here!" Says Ahaan, wiping fake tears from his eyes and pulling Aqsa into a bear hug. "I'm special enough to be missed I know" retorts Aqsa, who had also missed her brother, but would rather eat grass than admit it to him! "Helloooo?? The old man needs a turn too!" Says Amir, pushing Ahaan aside and giving Aqsa an almost bone-breaking hug 🤗

Aqsa sighed contentedly, looking at the 2 men in her life. She felt like a princess with them and hoped nothing would ever change that. If only she knew......


"Earth to, Aqsa!" Snapping out of her reverie, she looks at Suhaila, who was trying to get her attention while flapping her hands wildly. To say that she looked comical would be putting it too kindly! Aqsa sniggered and Suhaila looked at her crossly. "You wanna join the zoo, Suhaila?" Says Aqsa, winking. "After you of course," replies Suhaila, fluttering her eyelashes coyly. "Anyways, forget about the zoo for now, I have the best news ever!" She continues excitedly. "My cousin, Amaara, is finally getting married! I thought the engagement would never end!" She rolled her eyes. Aqsa could understand her excitement, but couldn't see why that would be good news for her. Being the close friend that she was, that understood her every reaction too well, Suhaila immediately clarified that Aqsa and her family were all invited too, since Amaara was also Aqsa's second cousin. Aqsa groaned. She hated weddings. Mostly, she hated the idea of dressing up and pasting a smile on her face.

"Come on Aqsa, don't be a spoilsport, it's gonna be a grand wedding. Eliza and Manaal's families will also be there. We'll have a blast! Think of all the food! Oooohhhh biryani" Suhaila's eyes gleamed. She had Aqsa cornered there. Biryani (Popular Indian Muslim Delicacy) was the only thing Aqsa ever went to any wedding for.

"Ok, but only for the biryani" Aqsa said, giving in.

"Good enough! Let's all go shopping" Suhaila said, pulling Aqsa off her bed.

Around 3 hours later, laden with shopping bags, the 4 friends finally headed back to their own houses, totally exhausted.

Aqsa quickly helped their lady cook prepare dinner. After her mum's demise, Aqsa, being the only female in the house, had taken over the responsibility for the running of the house. Her love for cooking was an added advantage at this time, and she was a fast learner. But to avoid the housework clashing with her studies, her father had insisted on having house help and a cook in the kitchen. But Aqsa pitched in whenever she could; and both the lady helps were gems and loved Aqsa like their own daughter.

"Assalamualaikum, we're home", called out Ahaan and their father, Ameer. "Something smells so good MashaAllah" Ahaan sniffed and came straight to the table. Ahaan loved food! Anything which was halaal was the way to Ahaan's heart! 😁😁

They all prayed Maghrib prayers and sat down for dinner.

"As you must know by now Aqsa, we've all been invited to attend the wedding ceremony of Amaara Ahmed. It's this weekend In Shaa Allah, so please make sure you're free. That goes for you too Ahaan" says Ameer sternly, knowing Ahaan's capability of avoiding events or functions. Aqsa giggled at the miserable look on Ahaan's face. "Don't worry bro, we might end up finding a nice, sensible, quiet and well-behaved bride for you" she said, winking. "In your dreams little sister. I've got a long way ahead of me to build my career and help out Dad in his business, so forget about my marriage for now." Ahaan replies seriously.

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