Here Comes Chaos One Last Time

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We walked in silence towards the garden. Dupain-Cheng is a superhero? And why the most vain part of me is more interested in knowing what she thinks about me being her husband? What is happening to me?

"So... we have a lot to talk about huh?" She looks nervous, but can't hide her smile.

"I apologize on behalf of the twins. It is very sensitive information that you should not be bearing. And I'm sorry to put you in the position to face Daniella without even knowing the extent of your abilities... Although if it helps, I was quite impressed."

"Really? But I lost."

"Yes, but my daughter was trained by the best of the best, with me alone it would be enough to make her the perfect warrior." I can't help a smirk. They three are so much better than I could ever imagine. Well, I never actually imagined them but you get the idea.

"So modest. Dylan also did an incredible job, the connection you both showed was something that I had never seen, it melted my heart."

"I honestly underestimated her abilities. I hadn't seen her use the sword and I just assumed she was not up to the task, but it didn't take her a minute to prove otherwise. And Hayden is just as talented, all three of them are more than qualified."

"I still can't believe that adorable child is mine. Ours." She blushes and I can't help but see her beautiful eyes like an idiot. Her face looks like it's going to explode from happiness.

We both slowly approach... and our lips meet. I can feel all her emotions through the kiss, filling me with something I've never experiencied before. Peace.

"I guess now that we know we're getting married there's no such thing as a prematurely kiss." She jokes, her cheeks still red from blushing.

"Sounds accurate. I still have a lot to explain though. And maybe you could share a little about your spandex persona."

"Oh so you are already picturing me in spandex? You are fast Mr. Wayne."

Now it's my turn to blush. She's as teasing as her children...but I know I can get used to it.



"We definitely shouldn't be here, I don't know how you convinced me."

"What are you talking about, Daniella. No one invited you." Dylan replies while spying on them through her binoculars.

"I had to see for myself that those two fools I met are the power couple that we all know and love, if our reserch was succesful this is the night Dad proposes."

"Daddy looks so nervous, omg. I've never seen him like this before." Dyl laughs and signals for me to use my binoculars.

Dad is sweating, if I didn't know him so well, I'd think he's even shivering.

"You kids know spying through rooftops is our thing, right?"

We turn to meet the 3 legends in their prime, as my daddy dear would say, smiling like idiots.

Dylan jumps to hug them and I go for the walk in style thing. Or that was the idea before I stumbled after 4 steps. Dani gracefully walks beside me, giving me a lecture on how it's done.

"What are you doing here, batbrats?" Uncle Tim asks, clearly expecting everyone to laugh at his joke. I put up a poker face as long as I can until I start laughing alongside him, Dylan and Uncle Dick are smiling while Dani and Uncle Jason pretend to vomit.

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