Here Comes Mommy's Birthday I

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Things haven't been easy since I left Paris, but it was definitely worth it. Getting away was the best option, and I still have contact with the people who matter, especially my family. But it doesn't mean it was easy. My last birthday was barely after a few weeks in town, and saying it was painful is an understatement.

I was alone, in another country, without much more than my suitcase. Sad, tired, without strength. Today, a year later, I am spending the day with the most unexpected person ever. The famous young heir to Wayne Enterprises is in front of me, for the first time without a frown, at times even smiling.

When he asked me when it was my birthday and I confessed that today, he ordered all the desserts on the menu for me.

"I'm not very familiar with these kinds of social interactions, but I understand that a cake is a must at the celebration." He looked stressed for not being in his comfort zone, but that he still tried to celebrate me made me very happy.

It's not that out of nowhere our relationship is perfect and the fights will end, I literally yelled things at him this morning that he honestly didn't deserve to hear. (At least this time.)

But I think we both understand now that our truce is not going to be easy or smooth, but it is still worth enjoying each other's company. It doesn't matter if there is a fight of egos from time to time. We both finally gave up and accepted that we can enjoy each other's company without having to feign we hate each others guts  and fight all the time. That it's okay to like each other.

We decided to go to his house to continue working on our project, and when I entered, my jaw dropped. Balloons everywhere, pink and silver flood the manor. A large Happy Birthday banner in the center accompanied by a beautiful cake. Hayden and the ones I imagine are Dami's brothers, throw confetti and streamers, they look happy and ready to celebrate someone they don't even know, and that melts my heart.

I can certainly see my family doing the same for him if it were the other way around, and without realizing it I'm crying.

Damian immediately pulls me closer to him. He's obviously uncomfortable, but he still hugs me awkwardly to try and calm me down.

"Let it be clear that this time it was not my purpose to frustrate you." I can't help laughing while sobbing.

"I'm crying because it's a huge gesture on your part. We're not the closest yet so I really appreciate you doing this for me."

"What are you talking about? I'm hugging you, I can't imagine us closer than this. By the way, If you tell someone I'll deny it. Damian Wayne doesn't hug."


"I never thought possible that demon spawn could look adorable, she's like magic." They are perfect for each other. Seeing them makes me feel a familiarity that hurts and repairs me at the same time.

"I have never seen him so calm, he even seems harmless." How harmless and cute they look together is what makes them more dangerous, but they will discover that later. I won't spoil the surprise.

"Don't be fooled, that's how we ended up letting H drive." Uncle Dick always so wise. Well, almost always. He was the one who gave me the keys.

"I don't know what you guys are complaining about, you're still alive." Uncle Jay starts laughing and ruffles my hair.

"We should have imagined it was a trap." It's not that I don't know how to drive, I just don't have much experience. They are exaggerating.

"But of course it was a trap, it's Hayden we're talking about. You have to pay attention to know if he is in angel or demon mode."

"Sounds accurate." I say as I watch light and darkness speak to each other awkwardly but sweetly. I can't wait for them to find out they belong together.

They both finally walk over here, my uncles are almost jumping with excitement and I can see Grandpa and Alfred spying from the hallway. It seems that tonight will be entertaining.

"You already know my... cousin Hayden. The other three are the slobs that I call brothers. This is Marinette Dupain-Cheng." All three ignore him and make their own introductions.  Uncle Timmy tries to kiss her hand in greeting but Dad quickly slaps it.

Just as I imagined everyone is getting along really well quickly, after a while all my uncles and Mom start singing happily Jagged Stone songs.

I sit on the couch to watch her. Her energy reminds me a lot of my sisters, especially the firecracker one, my dear Dylan. I wonder if they are singing with mom right now.

"You do not usually miss being in the center of attention, I find it strange that you are not embarrassing yourself with the rest of the family." I can swear Dani said something almost identical to me once.

"In my defense, I never force it, I'm just that amazing." He smiles and sits with me.

"I have something to tell you, and I prefer to do it at once because I don't want to come back from school one day and have you gone, and have this forever on my chest." I nod and he turns to where Mom continues to sing.

"I'm proud of you. From the very first day when I finally understood who you were and remembered the way you won in our first match, to all the following moments that we have spent these days. I never believed a life like that was for me, but I no longer think it bothers me, with a son like you I know it will be worth it." I hug him with all my strength and he puts his arm on my shoulder. I definitely needed this.

Everyone in the family often says that Mom completely changed him, but from day one I can see parts of who I know my father is in him. I think Mom didn't change him, she just helped him be who he really is.

"I'm going to get in trouble more times than you can imagine, but I want you to know that I always do it thinking it's the right thing to do. Thank you for always giving me the freedom to discover who I am and what I want to be. I love you, dad. And I'm proud of you too."

It's good that he came to tell me all this before mommy's gift because after that he'll want to kick me back to the future. I hope she opens it at her home.

After a much more fun and enjoyable party than I expected, my uncles say goodbye to 'go to sleep', and I hide to leave the lovebirds alone.

Mom tricks dad into getting him to slow dance with her, and I'm starting to understand why my sisters call me crybaby. It's just that watching them hurts a little. Just like the 18-year-old Marinette, my mom is celebrating too but without me there. These Damian and Marinette don't need me yet.


"What took you so long Dylan? I was running out of excuses to cover you, fool."

"Excuse me my lovely sister, next time If you want to sneak out of the house to run for the gift we forgot at grandpa's house, be my guest."

"You went on a zeta tube, you talk about it like you've run 300 miles."

"Yeah, but I had to run from the batcave to Hayden's room and back, and then get to our room without being intercepted by Mom. Give me the credit I deserve, grumpy twinkie."

Before I can reply, the door opens to find green eyes just like ours.

"I don't know what you're up to, troublemakers, but I want nothing more than your best attitude today. Your mother is having a really hard time without your big brother."

Father looks tired, I can see dark circles in his eyes and he hasn't even shaved. He still can't find a viable way to end this war with grandmother Talia, and every second Hayden spends away from us feels like torture.

I am not usually as emotional as my mother or my siblings, but the truth is that for the first time I'm afraid.

I come from a family full of vigilantes and superheroes, so I am no stranger to difficult situations, but we had never feared because my parents were full of confidence. But now they're both messed up, my big brother is in freaking past, and Dylan and I don't know what to do to help.

God bless us all.

🦋Author's note:
Thank you so much on 2k reads, As always comments and votes mean e v e r y t h i n g. 💖

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