Chapter 14

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Rj's POV

*1 month later*

I moved out my mamas house 2 weeks ago and now Raven is moving out her parents house.

The both of us decided to move in together. I know it may seem like we're moving too fast but, we're both grown. She was going to move out anyways once she graduated high school and started college. Ray's graduation day isn't far from now anyway. We decided to buy our own apartment together just to start off small.

Anyways, it was me Raven, Teyanna, Keenon and his son Daquan, O-Dog, Blim and Jayla all moving our things into our new house.

There were so many things so we needed as many people as possible.

Keenon brought his son only because his baby mama couldn't keep him right now.

But I don't her brother is too fond of me. But I wasn't mad or nothing. Shit, if my baby sister was moving in with some nigga I barely knew I would feel some type of way too.

Jamal's POV
I heard raven moving in with that bitch!

Hell nah I'm really Finna kill his ass now!

Me and a couple of my homies got strapped up and headed to the car.

I guess he ain't get the memo when I said raven was mine.

But he gon learn today.

Rj's POV
We was almost finished moving in everything.

So me and the boys was chilling around the car while the girls were inside talking.

"Get y'all straps niggas this car slowing down" O-Dog said getting out his gun. I swear this nigga is so observant.

Right when I was boutta reach for my gun the car sped up and shot at us.

All you could hear were gun shots and screams coming from the other apartment buildings.

I kept myself low and hid behind one of the cars once I spotted Daquan in clear sight trying to protect himself.

"Fuck!" I yelled out as I ran after him, trying my best to protect myself but fuck it.

They got a perfect shot at me.

I caught 3 bullets to the chest and one to the shoulder.

I managed to pull Daquan under me and use myself as a shield so he wouldn't get hit. He was just a kid, I felt so bad that he has to go through this.
My vision got blurry as I sped up my breathing to keep myself alive. I felt myself start to close my eyes as blood poured out of me and onto Daquan.

"Oh my God! Keenon is he okay?!" I heard Raven ask.

"Get DayDay inside!!"Jayla yelled

"Blim get my car!" O-Dog yelled.

"Oh God, please don't take him now" Raven prayed

"Aye y'all help me get him to the car!!" Blim yelled.

I could hear the worry in everyone's voices. Soon, I couldn't hear anything.
Ravens POV
I don't even know how to act, how to feel. No words can describe how I feel right now.

I might loose the love of my life due to some dumb asses.

Please lord don't take him.

"Baby hold on please" I cried while Rj's head and shoulders lay on my lap.

"I love you" he whispered back while his eyes fluttered.

"Stay with my please I love you" I cried holding onto him tighter.

We reached the hospital and we got nurses to help us get rj out.

"Please lord don't take him from me" I prayed.

Everyone one was in tears.

Even Daquan I know he doesn't know what's going on since he's only 3 but seeing his dad and everyone in tears is probably the reason why. Especially since he was so close to everything.

O-dog called Rj's mom while keenon called our parents.

We were all sitting in the waiting room covered in blood.
I just pray my baby makes it.


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