05- party

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Taylor and I walked up to the doors of the house that already had red solo cups littering the yard. The music was extremely loud so I had to yell at Taylor to ask if she wanted to go get a drink. As we walked over to the drink table, she spotted Luke over in the corner talking to a girl we didn't recognize.

She made sure to bend down to grab a drink out of the cooler with her back facing Luke. How she had the confidence to do that, I had no idea. It worked, however, because Luke looked her direction and pushed the girl off of him to walk over to us.

Not even five minutes in and Taylor was getting her way. Perks of being the prettiest in the room I guess. This time I felt uncomfortable staying by her side considering she finally had the opportunity to talk to her crush so I made my way over to the couch. I tapped Taylor's shoulder and pointed in the direction so she had an idea of where I was headed.

Surprisingly there was a spot I could squeeze into but I had to put up with the couple grinding on each other two inches to my left. It was worth it because the heels Taylor forced me to wear were already killing me and I was counting down the hours until I could finally take them off.

I still had a good view of the kitchen and Taylor gave me a thumbs up from behind her back. I laughed and took a sip of my drink as I observed the people around me. 

Around half an hour later the couple to my left finally made their way upstairs. I could still see Taylor dancing with Luke and they both seemed to be having a really good time. The girl from my computer science class, Amanda, sat next to me and we talked for almost two hours. She was really funny and we ended up swapping numbers in hopes of surviving our major together.

Taylor had texted me sometime during my conversation with Amanda to not expect her home tonight. That was a good sign I guess.

It was getting late and I had a couple more drinks than I planned so I told myself it was time I should head out. I wasn't drunk to where I wouldn't remember anything in the morning, but I was buzzed to the point where I might say something I wouldn't have sober.

As I was about to get up, solo cup still in hand, a guy plops down next to me and starts a conversation. I continued talking to him to be polite but I kept hinting that it was getting late and I should get going.

I was getting weird vibes from him when he suddenly leans in and I back away confused. I wasn't that drunk. He apologized and told me he thought I was into him which I then apologized even though I was certain I had made it clear I was uninterested.

He put one hand on my thigh and another on my waist as he tried convincing me to stay. I started to panic as I looked around for anyone I knew. He wouldn't listen when I told him to get off of me so I said the only thing that came to mind.

"Please get off of me. My boyfriend will be back any minute now." The most basic lie in the book.

He laughed in my face. "Oh really, and where has your boyfriend been the last thirty minutes?"

Has really been thirty minutes? I started panicking even more as he slid his hand further up my thigh while continuing to hold it down with force so I couldn't get up.

Suddenly, someone punches him then pulls me up from the couch. They grab the cup that was in my hand and throw it away while dragging me out of the house. I stumble trying to catch up with them considering I had too much to drink and still wasn't used to the heels I was wearing. My vision was also slightly blurry from the head rush of the quick, sudden movement of getting up from the couch so I couldn't see who my savior was.

Pulling my skirt down the best I could with one hand since my right wrist was still being dragged by the mystery figure, we finally made it to the sidewalk. My eyes slowly adjusted and the figure standing in front of me was... Clay?

I didn't think he was the party type. I guess that didn't matter right now considering he just saved me from whoever that guy was.

After only stopping for a brief moment, he continued to lead me to our apartment complex a couple blocks away. I knew from our moms that we lived in the same complex but he was on floor 3 and I was on floor 5.

We were only a block into our hike but I had to stop and take off my heels since my feet were killing me. Surprisingly, he stopped and waited for me. It was nice of him to help me tonight and I appreciated him walking me home considering I would occasionally trip over my own feet and it was past midnight.

I picked up my pace to catch up to him considering his long legs allowed him to walk much faster than me. Still feeling slightly buzzed, I thanked him but asked why he decided to help me.

He simply responds by saying, "you needed it." Ouch. Did he not think I could handle myself?

"No I didn't." I said defensively only half believing myself.

"He put something in your drink."

I stopped walking and just stood there. I was sick of just the thought of what could've happened if Clay hadn't shown up.

Suddenly, I was bending down near a bush throwing up. When I felt like I was done, I noticed I got a little bit on my shirt but decided to deal with it when I got home.

"When did he mess with my drink?" you finally found your voice to ask, wondering how you could be so oblivious. There's no way. How could I not have noticed?

"When he leaned in the kiss you" Clay said bluntly.

Oh my goodness, what would've happened if Clay hadn't shown up? Would that really be the way I lose my virginity? I could feel the tears forming and my throat burned.

"Stop thinking about what could've happened. You're safe now." Clay says in a softer tone.

"How do you know that's what I was thinking about?"

"We were best friends for 13 years. I know how you think."

"And why are we not best friends anymore?" I ask with a slightly mad tone as all my hidden emotions come bubbling up.

I hated admitting it to myself but it really bothered me when Clay stopped being my friend. I would become a mix of pity and anger every time I thought about how he cut me out of his life. Over 5 years later and still not explanation from him.

Suddenly, I felt bad for snapping at him and realize he really didn't have to help me tonight. Did I even say thank you yet?

"Thank you by the way. How can I make it up to you?"

"What? You don't need to make anything up to me. You shouldn't have been in that situation in the first place."

"Please, there must be something I can do"

"Why were you drinking anyway? You're not 21 yet." Clay questions as he changes the subject.

"You act like it's abnormal for an underage college student to have a couple drinks. Besides, don't act like you didn't consume alcohol last year when you were my age" I retort.

Clay stops responding as we head into the apartment complex. My stomach is still queasy from the alcohol but there is no way I could make it up the stairs, so I take my chances with an uneasy stomach and follow him into the elevator.

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