Almost Like Old Times

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If anyone sees any spelling or grammar errors please let me know.

Jeremy's POV
We arrive at my house and I let myself in since my Dad hasn't come home from work yet. Micheal and I set our bags down once we step inside.
"Race you." He says, grinning as he bolts up the stairs to my room. I follow after him, though it's pretty obvious he'll win based on the head start he's got. I enter my room and he flops down on my bed.

"Too slow Heere." he teases.
"Whatever, we're here to play video games not race."
"Well someone's defensive." He puts his hands up in a playful manner.
He tosses me a controller and sinks down into a bean bag chair in front of my T.V. I turn it on and pop the disc in. I take a seat as everything loads.

The AOTD home screen comes up and I click level 10. We select our avatars and begin the game.

It's our 8th try now and I've already died, but Michael is still playing. I look over at him only to notice how concentrated he is. He does this thing where he sticks his tongue out a little whenever he's really focused on something.
"He's so cute." I think to myself.
Wait what? Do I think Michael's cute. No of course not I just think the mannerism is cute, that's all.

Just then I realize Michael is waving his hand in front of my face.
"Hello? Earth to Jeremy."
"What?! Oh uh sorry." I sputter as I come back into reality.
"We lost again," he picks up his phone to check the time. "it's getting kinda late.  Should we eat dinner or something?"
"Ya, I think my dad left pizza money in the counter."

Michael's POV
I sprint out of Jeremy's room and down his stairs.  I sit on his couch and he comes down stairs, and pulls out his phone to order our food. 
"What do you want?" He asks.
"How about, Pepperoni, peppers, and mushrooms?"
"Sounds good to me."

He calls the pizza place and I wait for him, still seated in his living room. Jeremy comes back into the room two minutes later and takes a seat next to me.
"They said it should be here in about half and hour. In the mean time what do you wanna do?"
I thought for a moment,
"You wanna play operation?" I asked.
"Sure, I'll go get it from the basement." He said as he got up from his green couch and walked down to the basement door. 

Once he had walked down the stairs, his phone started to ring.  I check to see if it's his Dad; instead to find Christine's calling.  Jeremy had put a picture of her in her Juliette costume for her contact. 
"Hey Jer, Christine is calling." I yell down, but receive no answer, I guess he can't hear me.  I decide to answer as I walk down the stairs to hand him his phone.

"Hey Christine."
"Michael?" She asked.
"Uh, ya sorry Jeremy is down in the basement grabbing a board game right now."
"Oh, ok."
"Yeah I'm going down to find him now."
"Thanks." She pauses awkwardly for a moment. "How's your night been?"
"Oh, pretty good we just ordered a pizza." I'm looking around the basement for Jeremy but I don't see him yet.
"That sounds nice I'm glad you guys are having a good time."
"Ya, we are." I smile as I recall our long video game session, it was just like old times- well 5 months ago anyway. "How are you?" I ask her.
"Good, kinda bored but glad to see my aunt.  Did you find Jeremy yet?"
"I'm looking but I don't see him."
"Did you check the storage room?" The storage room! I completely forgot Jeremy had one.
"Oh right! Thanks Christine."

I look around for a second before I spot the entrance and walk through to find Jeremy digging through a card board box labeled "board games".
"Found him." I say into the phone, which seems to startle Jeremy.
"Ah- oh, Michael it's just you.  You scared me."
"Sorry buddy but Christine's on the phone for you."
"Oh. Thanks Michael"
"No problem." I hand him his phone.
"Hey Christine.  Ya I was just trying to find operation for us to play.  No I actually couldn't find it anywhere."
"You couldn't?" I asked.
"Yeah sorry about that."
"That's okay."

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