Lab Partners

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Michael's POV
Monday morning. I'd taken a picture of Brooke's list (she still wanted to keep it) and I was ready. I decided to walk to school today. Thought it might be easier to start the day off on my own.

I walked into the school and thank God for heating. It was warming up outside but being March it was still cold. Jersey does not warm fast.

I rummaged through my locker pulling my science textbook and binder out. When I closed my door I saw Jeremy down the hall.

For a moment I forgot everything Brooke had told me and let my feeling surface. But I snapped out of it.

I opened my camera roll and looked to the first step: 'Remember things you don't like'. Right. I'm still mad at him about Friday. He invited me over and then ignored me to talk to Christine. Normally I'd choose to look past it but honestly, I'm just upset with him.

Well, I don't need to worry about that right now. If he wants to, he can apologize.


Jeremy's POV
Driving Christine to school this morning was a lot more awkward than usual. I'm not sure if it was for her, but it was for me. I couldn't stop thinking about Michael. I keep screwing up. And I don't blame Christine. I more just blame myself. I love her but maybe I've been too blinded by the fact that I love her.

I barely remember getting to my locker. God I'm so in my head this morning. All I can think about is the look in Michael's eyes before he left.

And there he is down the hall. Looking at his phone. I don't think he's seen me yet. I hope not. I should go talk to him. I wave to try and get his attention but he turns and starts walking the other way. I figure I'm gonna have to run for it.

I try and squeeze past people walking through the halls. I've gotten pretty good at slipping through but of course that never stops a big group from clotting in the middle, blocking everyone's way.
"Excuse me." I say and some of them move reluctantly, giving me dirty looks. Eh, fuck 'em.

I finally get past them (some decided moving wasn't their deal I guess) and I look around for Michael, but he's gone.

I could text him, but... no. I shouldn't text him. That would make it worse. I should talk to him face to face. With some remorse I turn to go back to my locker. I squeeze by the group again and the bell rings. Shit, I still have to get all my stuff. I am gonna so be late.

Michael's POV
I sit down at my desk in physics and put my head down. It's so fucking early. But I look up when my lab mate taps me on the shoulder.
"Mornin' Mell." He sits down beside me. Markus Leads. We've been sitting at the same table since start of semester. We're kinda friends even though we never really hang out.

"Tsk, 46 seconds late." I say looking at my watch. "And I'm right on time."
"Well- shut up! You're usually even later! I would've beat you if you weren't on time like a nerd."
"My bad, I get it, my punctuality's my greatest flaw."
"Oh I could list some greater ones if you wanted." He rested his chin on his hand looking over at me.
"You're hilarious." I say sarcastically.
He only smiles and puts a hand over his heart.
"I know, thank you."

He looks to the front of the class.
"Still never as late as our teacher though."
"I know right? Like he stresses deadlines so much you'd think he'd at least be on time for class."

He looks back to me, "So, do anything this weekend? Fun, I mean."
"Do anything? Yes. Do anything fun? Unfortunately, no."
"Damn Mike, what happened?" I try to stifle a laugh.
"Dude, do not call me 'Mike'."
"Oh no? Why Mike? Does it make you uncomfortable?"
"Uh- yeah, a little! And it's weird."
"But Mike whatever do you mean? It's so natural, 'Mike Mell, 30 year old divorced accountant. 2 kids who use him for lunch money."
"Dude, shut up." I say laughing as I push his head away.

"No but seriously what happened?"
"Oh, uh I don't really wanna talk about it. It wasn't something super horrible or anything just... disappointing."
"Oh... well at least I make physics the best first class of the day you could ask for."
"Pfft- don't flatter yourself, nothing can make Mr. Morrison's energy transformation lessons bearable."
"Hm." He nodded and there was a pause on the conversation before he spoke again. "Well, you kinda can."

Then Mr. Morrison walked in.
"Good morning class! Now today I've got some worksheets for you all, and we'll be trying out an experiment."


After physics I headed to math, which would've been my nightmare schedule if it wasn't for Ms. MacNemara. She's a good teacher. Though even she can't make math all fun. After the lesson I was struggling with some of the questions. Despite what she might say, math is definitely not my friend. Thankfully the bell rang meaning it was lunch.

There's only one grade 11 drama class so the rest of my friends have the same third period, meaning they all have the same lunch. And thankfully I got the same lunch too. It worked out pretty well.

Except for today. I wanted to sit with my friends but at the same time I didn't want things to be weird between Jeremy and I. I wanted him to apologize but I also didn't want all of our friends wrapped up in it.

I walked into the cafeteria and I saw him. He was sitting down at the usual table fixing his hair looking down at his tray muttering something to himself. He talks to himself a lot. It's actually pretty cute. Which I know I shouldn't be thinking.
Don't romanticize. He's just playing with his hair.

And when I looked back and he was. He was just someone else in the cafeteria, and he was just playing with his hair. You have to admit, Brooke knows what she's doing.

Just then I felt a nudge in the side. 'Speak of the devil.' I thought, before turning around. I expected to see Brooke but it was-
"Markus, hey!"
"Hey Mell, what'cha looking at?"
"Oh, nothing. What's up?"
"Lunch, duh."
"I know- I just- I mean we don't normally talk outside of class."
"Yeah, I know but I saw you and thought I'd say hi anyway." He shifted on his feet and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Uh actually do you wanna go the plaza across the street and get something?"
"The one with the Sev' Elev'?"
"Um..." I looked back and by now everyone else was at the table. Christine and Jermey sat side by side and she brushed something off his shoulder.
"Yeah, sure let's go."

I actually had this written for so long but wasn't on Wattpad for months and never posted it. Anyways if anyone still follows this story, enjoy! 🫶

Word Count: 1212

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