I Remember...

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Michael's POV
Jeremy put the pizza box down on the coffee table in front of me and gives me a plate for my food. I scoot over on the couch so that he can sit down, but once he's put the plate down he just walks away. Still talking to Christine. I don't get it, Christine suggested this sleepover in the first place, and she just calls right in the middle of it? And doesn't get off the phone with him for hours? I guess with my shit luck she does.

I decide to pick out some pizza slices and I put them onto my plate. The pizza was pretty good. Wow great, the pizza is the highlight of this sleepover. I wish it could be like our old sleepovers.  I remember the sleepover I first realized I liked him...
Flashback music
Jeremy hands me a red envelope that has "Michael" written on the back. I flip it over and open it.

You are invited to Jeremy's , 12th Birthday Party on September, 18th  ! The party starts at 5:00 pm and ends at
11:00 am!
RSVP at at these contacts
Phone: 123-456-7890
Email: RogerHeere@gmail.com

"Oh cool!" I exclaim after reading the invitation "I'll ask my Moms, though I'm pretty sure they'll say yes." I say while zipping it safely into the front pouch of my backpack.
"It's gonna be pretty chill, not that many people, and the girls are gonna be in another room for the sleepover part."
"Girls?" I raise an eyebrow
"Oh- well um ya! I wanted to get to know Christine more and I thought I should invite her."
"Jer, That sounds like only one girl."
"Jenna, Chloe and Brooke May have seen me give her an invitation and asked if they were invited too."
"Did you invite them?!"
"Jeremy why?!"
"I'm sorry! You know how scary Chloe can be!"

I guess that's true. Dammit. They're gonna ruin the whole party! Then a thought occurred to me.
"Wait so it's just gonna be us and 4 girls?"
"Well, no."
"Who else did you invite?" I say, getting a little annoyed at his inability to say no.
"Chloe sort of took it upon herself to invite Jake and asked me to get him an invitation too."
"I can't believe this. Why do they want to come to your party?"
"They said it's because I was invited to their parties."
"Everyone's invited to their parties!"
"I know, I'm sorry!"

We walk to the bus stop and wait for the large yellow vehicle to pull up. Once it finally does, and the doors open, we walk onto the bus and into a seat at the back.

"This is a nightmare." I groan.
"It's not that bad."
"Not that bad? Your party's been hijacked by people who couldn't care less if our bus drove off a cliff right now!"
"At least Christine will be there!"
"Ya, at least she's nice."

The bus stops at my house, and I get off, waving a goodbye to Jeremy. I walk up the path to my front porch and open the door. It's unlocked, so that means at least one of my Moms is home.

"Mom, Mama, I'm home!" I yell once I come through the door. My Mama yells back,
"Hey Mikey!" and comes down the stairs to capture me in a bone crushing hug planting a kiss on my cheek.
"Hey Mama," I say once she releases me. I crouch down and open the front pouch of my bag. I grab the invitation and hand it to her.
"Whats's this?" She questions, as she opens it.
"It's for Jeremy's birthday party next week." I tell her.
"Oh that sounds like fun! I have to talk with your mom but I'm sure she'll say yes."
"Thanks Momma." I give her a quick hug before taking my bag upstairs and starting on my homework.
Next week
I take things out of my drawers and shove them into an adidas duffle bag. I walk out of my room and down the stairs settling in on my comfy sofa and wait until it's time to leave. Finally it's 4:45 so I walk into the kitchen with my bag in hand.
"Hey Mom it's time to go."
"Alright honey one sec and I'll grab my keys so we can go." She clicks the screen a few times and closes her laptop.  She stands up and walks to the table in the front hall grabbing her keys.
"You have everything you need right Micha? I won't have to bring you a toothbrush at 9:00 in the morning?
"Yes Mom I have everything, let's go!"
"Okay," She plants a kiss on my forehead "let's go."
We pull up to Jeremy's house and I gave my Mom a quick hug goodbye.
"I love you Mom I'll see you tomorrow."
"Love you too, and say hi to Roger and Sherry for me."
"I will."
(Roger is Jeremy's Dad cause I couldn't find out what his actual name was so it's Roger now. Sherry is his mom.)

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