Part eight: Homework

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"So, I guess you've done all your homework, right?" Hank sipped from his straw, "know everything there is to know about me?"

Connor glanced at me before responding, "I know you graduated top of your class. You made a name for yourself in several cases, and became the youngest lieutenant in Detroit," Hank lifted his eyebrows in acknowledgment and looked down.

"I also know you've received several disciplinary warnings in recent years and you spend a lot of time in bars."

Hank lifted his head, "so, what's your conclusion?"

The android thought about it for a little, "I think working with an officer with... personal issues is an added challenge, but adapting to human unpredictabilities is one of my features," Connor winked.

"What about her," Hank motioned his head towards me, "find anything interesting?"

"Actually, yes," Connor briefly searched my eyes before continuing, "Y/N is a skilled fighter. When you were in high school, you saved a teacher's life and from there, your career took off. Clean record, no social media; no one really know who you are but they respect you nonetheless."

"And?" Hank watched me, curious.

Connor stared at me with a calculating look on his face, "it'll be interesting working with a younger officer. Specifically, one who's dealt with deviancy before. The only thing I'm concerned about are her intentions."

"What about my intentions?"

"Your percentage of solved cases pertaining to deviants have dropped significantly in the last month or two."

I raised an eyebrow, "are you suggesting I've been compromised?"

"No," Connor blurted, "no. But I have considered the possibility."

"Don't worry about me, Connor. If I were on the deviant's side, I wouldn't be trying to help you stop them."


Connor Pov:

"Hey Connor!" I opened my eyes to find the lieutenant watching me impatiently from outside the elevator, "you ran outta batteries, or what?"

"I'm sorry," I saw the detective from the corner of my eyes watching me a few feet away from the lieutenant, "I was making a report to CyberLife."

"Uh-" Hank eyed me uncomfortably, "well, do you plan on staying in the elevator?"

"No," I glanced at the ground, "I'm coming," I watched the litendent wonder to where the detective was. I waited a moment, reviewing my task. Question the suspect. I began walking to the apartment door where the suspect should be.

"What do we know about this guy?" Hank crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Not much," the detective held her phone out to the lieutenant and motioned to the screen, "just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor," she put her phone in her pant's pocket, "nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a LED under his cap."

"Oh christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops."

"That's were the androids come in," Y/N smirked.

I walked up to the door and knocked, but no one answered. It was silent. I turned to the lieutenant who lounged against a wall nearby. He shrugged. Maybe it was a false alarm?

I knocked again, "anybody home?" I paused, "open up! Detroit Police!"

There was a loud noise from inside. I turned to Hank who was already getting his gun out, "stay behind me."

"Got it."

I quickly stood behind the lieutenant as he lifted his foot to kick the door down. Y/N, who had decided to stand close to the window at the end of the hallway, was now at the lieutenant's side. She pulled out her own gun and looked to Hank. He nodded at her before stepping through the entrance with his gun ready.

I followed him inside; Y/N came in after me. I looked through the other doors the lieutenant had kicked down on his way through the dim-lit hallway. Nothing in particular stood out still there seemed to be an abundance of birds.

I watched the lieutenant kick the final door. Birds immediately flew from the doorway obviously frustrating the lieutenant.

"What the fuck is this?!"

I looked back to make sure Y/N was safe. She was looking through one of the open doors. Unlike Hank, the detective held her gun in a more relaxed manor. She blended into the darkness with her black attire and graceful movements. I watched as she took one last look at the room before turning to the door the lieutenant had just kicked down. When Y/N met my eyes, she gave me a charming smile.

I smiled back at her, stepping out of the way so she could proceed to the room with the birds.

"Find anything interesting, Connor?" I followed her through the doorway.

"Jesus," Hank kicked down another door, "this place stinks,"

"Not yet."

"Me neither," she elbowed my arm, pointing her gun to the birds, "that's not normal. I bet someone is attracting them here."

"You're right. And most humans wouldn't be able to live like this."

She nodded.

"Looks like we came for nothin', our man's gone."

We both turned to face the lieutenant who stepped out from a connecting room. His hands rested on his hips as he looked to me expectantly.

"Well, we should at least do a quick search of the place," the detective put her pistol away and walked to the room Hank had just emerged from.

I followed her to the bathroom. rA9 littered the shower wall. rA9 keeps coming up, it must be important somehow.

"Any idea what it means?"

"ra9... written 2471 times," I looked down to the detective, "it's the same sign Ortiz's android wrote on the shower wall," I turned my focus back to the writing, "why are they so obsessed with this sign?"

"Obsessive compulsive writing," she crossed her arms and stared at the wall, "it's a little creepy," Y/N drifted into another room, leaving me to inspect the sink.

I noticed Therium on the edge of the sink next to a LED light. There might not be a deviant here anymore, but they were here. And they were trying to pass as a human.

"Its LED is in the sink."

"Not surprised it was an android," Y/N agreed, "no human could enjoy living with all these birds."

"Fucking pigeons," Hank grumbled.

I wandered to the main room where Y/N stood, holding a brown leather journal. I walked up from behind her and peered past her shoulders. She looked to me briefly; blushing, before motioning to the journal.

"It's encrypted."

I stepped around her and reach for the journal which she gladly handed over.

"Found something?"

"I'm not sure," Y/N walked to where the lieutenant stood by the kitchen, "it looks like a notebook, but it's impossible to read without the code."

I put the journal away and walked up a hole I had noticed in the ceiling. It was big enough for a human or android to fit inside. It had no idea we were coming and unless there was a backdoor, the deviant may still be inside. I looked up to the ceiling, looking for clues.

Before I had time to react, I felt a heavy presence fall on top of me. Knocking both of us to the floor.

"God damn fuckin' pigeons!" Hank waved his arms about his face attempting to get rid of the birds who'd sprung into action at the sudden movement. I watched as the deviant sprinted through the door, "what are you waiting for? Chase it!"

I took one final glance around the room before I raced after the deviant.

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