Sleepless Summer Nights

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Ennis tossed and turned next to Jack (who lay fast asleep), uncomfortable with the sticky feeling of sweat on his t-shirt, between his legs, and damp pillow that lay beneath his head.

Jack ocassionally stirred, making little movements in his sleep. Ennis knew Jack always did when he slept, but tonight even more, seemingly affected by his restless tossing and turning. Ennis began to get frustrated at the fact that no matter how hard he tried, he could not find it in him to fall asleep.

Ennis finally jolted onto one side, angrily.

Woken up to the jolt of Ennis turning and fussing,

"What's the matter?" Jack said, half-asleep.

"Mm, nothing, I can't sleep. It's so fuckin' hot in here and this fan don't do shit." He muttered.

"It's okay, shh. Come 'ere." Jack hushed him.

Jack turned over on his side, resting all the weight of his body on one forearm. He gently slid his hand underneath Ennis' back and gave it two gentle pats, motioning for him to sit up. The fabric of his shirt, to his surprise, felt damp, drenched with sweat, clinging to his skin. Reaching to Ennis' back, he gently peeled the shirt off of his skin.

He lifted up the thin bedsheet and stuck two feet out, holding the sheet up, waiting for Ennis to do the same.

"Lie back, come on." Jack whispered softly.

Jack had his hand on Ennis' bare back as he guided him down again on his back along with him.

It was stuffy and humid throughout the house on Brokeback. The whirring, numbing gentle hum of the ceiling fan filled the room, along with the sound of the soft rain that pattered outside. There was an ocassional clicking sound of the dangling chains that controlled the fan hitting each other.

The somewhat sweet smell of sweat seemed to mix in with the damp, musky, familiar smell of the hardwood floors that absorbed the humidity of the summer heat. That smell only appeared during the long, hot summers on the mountain.

Lazily tossing Ennis' shirt to the side along with his own, Jack's mouth formed a small circle as he began to gently and quietly blow cool air onto Ennis' forehead that was beaded with little droplets of sweat. Caressing his tousled dirty-blond hair with one hand, Jack cupped Ennis' cheek sleepily with the other, eyes half-open.

He then moved down, carrying the same rhythm, blowing cool breaths onto Ennis' bare chest, this time evenly planting kisses on him every couple of breaths. The steady pattern of cool air beating onto Ennis' chest seemed to calm him.

Jack reached a hand over and began to gently rub Ennis' bare, clammy back in circular motions as he continued to breathe cool air  onto his chest.

Ennis was put into some sort of somnolent trance as the constant slow, delicate breeze from Jack continued to blow onto his body, combined with the soothing feeling of Jack's soft hands massaging his sweaty back.

Slowly, Ennis' eyes began to drift closed and open as Jack continued his comforting motions towards him. Jack was somewhat more awake now, watching his lover as he began to doze off, now finally relaxed as a result of his affection and gentle touch.

 Jack was somewhat more awake now, watching his lover as he began to doze off, now finally relaxed as a result of his affection and gentle touch

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Noticing how hard Ennis was struggling to keep his eyes open, Jack finally broke and whispered,

"It's okay, you can close your eyes."

Ennis gave a lethargic nod and let his eyes close fully.

Still rubbing his back and blowing air onto his bare chest, Jack reached his hand over to Ennis' face, stroking his soft cheek with his thumb. Ennis' facial expression relaxed into the motion. With each breath on his chest, Ennis fell further and further into a deep sleep.

A few moments passed, and Ennis was now fast asleep.

Careful enough not to wake him, Jack delicately lifted Ennis' head onto his bare chest, the feeling of his soft wet hair melting into him. 

As if he could not get any more comfortable, Ennis' subconscious, still aware after being fast asleep, noticed the unchanging, steady tempo of Jack's heartbeat as he laid on his chest, lulling him even further into a peaceful slumber

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As if he could not get any more comfortable, Ennis' subconscious, still aware after being fast asleep, noticed the unchanging, steady tempo of Jack's heartbeat as he laid on his chest, lulling him even further into a peaceful slumber.

Jack gazed at the calm, tranquil expression on Ennis' face as he slept. He felt a warm feeling inside him, content with the fact that he was able to help him finally rest.

More moments passed by and Jack's eyes began to drift closed again as well, but suddenly there was movement on his chest that caught his eye.

Ennis' mouth had slowly curved upwards forming into a little smirk.

Was Ennis awake?

"Whatcha smilin' about cowboy..." Jack whispered quietly, rubbing Ennis' chest.

To his surprise, there was no answer from the blond-haired cowboy, whose face had retracted to an empty, relaxed expression.

Ennis was probably dreaming about something, Jack thought to himself. He sleepily smiled at the thought. He wished he knew what went on in his lover's head.

If only Jack had the view of the movie screen that rolled in Ennis' head as he lay there resting, playing past moments they shared together, causing a small smile to form on his face as he slept.

He looked down at Ennis' belly, which moved up and down, slowly, filling with air as he inhaled through his nose, fast asleep.

Jack's mouth gaped open as he let out a noiseless yawn, his eyes fluttered.

Giving Ennis' peaceful expression one last look, he reached his head down to Ennis' face, placing a tender kiss onto his cheek.

Jack rested one hand and his fingers in Ennis' now cool, but still wet hair, and the other on Ennis' belly, watching his hand move up and down along with it.

"Goodnight, En."

Jack finally let his eyes drift closed, and fell asleep to the serene atmosphere: the cool breeze from the ceiling fan, the sound of the rain that pitter-pattered lightly outside hitting the window, and the smell of damp wood, all brought together by the warmth of Ennis' body that laid softly on him.

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